Raimondi says forcefully injecting a detainee with a sedative would only occur in extraordinary circumstances.
The use of the heavy sedative means the animal cannot be slaughtered until it wears off.
Diprivan is a powerful sedative that is administered intravenously and is known by its generic name Propofol.
According to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement medical records, Soeth was injected with Haldol, a very powerful sedative.
Infants receive a sedative to minimize shivering, since it could raise body temperature.
WSJ: Hypothermia Cure for Babies: Cooling Infants to Battle Brain Damage
If that failed, then, as a last resort, a sedative could be administered.
Initial feelings will be a loss of control, he says, and a loss of the sedative effects of the nicotine.
Unfortunately, these policies, which only succeed in growing debt and government, act more as an economic sedative than a stimulant.
"Once you start to write about numbers, it's sedative time, " says Syracuse University television and film professor Richard Dubin .
Also Thursday, a Los Angeles law enforcement source told The Associated Press that investigators found Diprivan, a powerful sedative, in Jackson's home.
For narcoleptics, however, this sedative may provide some much-needed relief.
Mr. KEITH ACREE (State Department of Correction, North Carolina): The execution team administered the sedative and the monitor dropped below the reading of 60, which was the threshold here.
"Music can alter emotional and physiological arousal much like a pharmacological stimulant or sedative, " says Dr. Karageorghis, who has worked as a consultant psychologist to music and sports-equipment companies and for Olympic athletes.
He says the medical center at the airport even gave his son a sedative injection before the flight, but Joe was still so upset that the flight crew deemed him unfit to fly.
CHRISTCHURCH, New Zealand (CNN) -- Imagine a computer program so clever, it senses the level of pain a patient is in and measures the exact amount of pain relief and sedative drugs they need.
His lecturer, Dr Geoff Case, had earlier met with Dr Geoff Shaw, an intensive care specialist at Christchurch Hospital, who had told him about the inherent problems in managing critically ill patients' sedative and pain relief drug dosages.
The three-member state board cited infractions including syringes containing an analgesic and sedative found in Dutrow's desk and an analgesic found in the urine of his horse Fastus Cactus in November 2010 after it won at Aqueduct Racetrack.
Detective Orlando Martinez of the Los Angeles Police Department detailed what Murray told detectives he gave Jackson on the final day of his life, which included the sedative Valium (diazepam), the anti-anxiety drug Ativan (lorazepam), the sedative Versed (midazolam), and 25 mg of propofol.
CNN: Drugs that killed Jackson for clinical use only, experts say
While we've already learned that television shows pull double duty as entertainment and a sedative, and that launching a console with a widely understood shortage hitting stores can cause all sorts of madness and criminal activity to break loose, the last thing we needed was one more " study" claiming that video games breed rage.