Shales are fine-grained sedimentary rocks that can be rich sources of petroleum and natural gas.
Pictures returned to Earth from inside Yellowknife Bay appear to show copious sedimentary deposits.
She was a one-fish Hoover, motoring through the food-packed sludge and through rich layers of sedimentary smells.
Under pressure, these hydrocarbons squeezed through grainy, porous sedimentary rock until blocked by nonporous rock, known as capstone.
Oil shale is sedimentary rock with oil in it that has historically been considered too expensive to process.
Shale gas derived from sedimentary rocks deep underground needs to be captured, piped and processed before it is consumed.
Cover is essentially sedimentary rocks that sit atop any perspective deposits, concealing potential metals such as gold and copper in Australia.
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Like Tahiti, its drilling involved piercing an 11, 000-foot layer of sedimentary salt.
Neptunists believed all rock was sedimentary, created through the agency of water.
Curiosity still has plans to travel to Mount Sharp, where it will slowly climb a mountain analyzing the sedimentary rock to explore its geological history.
Hydrographic processes: although the contourite paradigm has existed for over 40 years, there still seems to be a missing dialogue between physical oceanography and sedimentary observations.
Dubbed Mount Sharp, it appears to be an unusual layer-cake of clay and other sedimentary deposits that may be relics of ancient water flows and organic chemistry.
For anyone about to begin their study of geology, cross-stratification, or cross-bedding, will be one of the first topics to be covered in "sedimentary processes", and Shaler is a beautiful example.
Eventually, geological processes force some ancient sedimentary layers to the surface, briefly revealing embedded fossils but also exposing them to the elements, ensuring that unnoticed relics are rapidly eroded.
Potash is a soft rock, which is extracted from sedimentary sea beds formed by evaporation of ancient seas, which is mined via conventional shaft mining like gold and silver.
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Their commentary may have cultural force in the mainstream media, but it often lacks the sedimentary depth accrued by serious trench work in the history of ideas, science and technology, or philosophy.
Composed of sedimentary rock (successive layers of coral, shells, sand, and other materials hardened over time), exploring Coral Castle is like wandering among a man's hopes which have been encrusted with disappointment.
As researchers studied images of the McLaughlin Crater, a crater 57-miles across and 1.4 miles deep that formed as the result of an impact with a large meteor, they noticed sedimentary rocks.
Such concentrations are usually created by geological events, such as volcanic eruptions and tectonic plate shifts that steer hot metal-bearing fluids into upper, accessible parts of the Earth's crust, erosion, or massive sedimentary movements.
The phenomenon of sedimentary layers is remarkably similar to what is seen on Earth, in California's Death Valley or in Montana's Glacier National Park, says John Grotzinger, chief scientist of the Mars Science Laboratory mission.
In a separate study published in the journal Nature Geoscience, a team led by Bethany Ehlmann, from Brown University, analysed sedimentary deposits in two deltas within Mars' Jezero crater - which once hosted a body of water measuring some 40km (25 miles) across.
The sample comes from a hole about 2.5 inches deep drilled on Feb. 8 in a flat plate of sedimentary bedrock that the space agency managers have named "John Klein" in memory of a Mars Science Laboratory deputy project manager who died in 2011.