Rights activists have long criticized Malaysia's anti-sedition law as a tool to curb democratic dissent.
The outspoken Malaysian opposition MP was fined last month for disseminating false news and committing sedition.
Now Mr Estrada is threatening to have Mr Gordon charged with sedition and treason.
The use of Malaysia's Sedition Act will likely attract substantial attention, both in and outside the country.
The French parliament made it a crime not just to incite sedition but also to justify it.
Moreover, its Supreme Court has long held that hate speech can be tried under criminal sedition laws.
Thomas Jefferson called off all prosecutions under the Sedition Act when he became president, and pardoned those already convicted.
He already faced charges of sedition and a retrial for conspiracy to murder.
"There is no place for sedition in a democracy, " said Andrew Aeria, a political-science professor at University Malaysia's Sarawak campus.
But for the media, in Israel and throughout the West, it is dangerous sedition that must be marginalized and destroyed.
Iraqi military spokesman Maj Gen Qassim al-Moussawi said the aim of the attacks was "to create sedition among the Iraqi people".
On his return to Pakistan in 1993, he is arrested and jailed for about half a year on murder and sedition charges.
From the Alien and Sedition Acts and the Missouri Compromise to the election of Abraham Lincoln, every development is given careful study.
The bill makes sedition a crime that can carry a jail sentence.
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Three senior journalists have gone on trial in Uganda on charges of publishing false news and sedition after their newspaper published a photograph of soldiers manhandling a naked woman.
Brought before the Ottoman ruler with the connivance of hostile rabbis to answer charges of sedition, Sevi converted to Islam rather than face martyrdom, and accepted a sinecure as the Sultan's head gatekeeper.
America, too, used to imprison people for sedition.
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For his reporting and for attempting to travel to Israel to attend a conference, he has been charged by the Bangladeshi government with sedition, treason, and blasphemy, the first two of which can carry capital sentences in that country.
However, Commodore Bainimarama came up with a new list of demands (including the removal of the police commissioner, Andrew Hughes, who has been investigating Commodore Bainimarama on charges of sedition), and set a deadline of December 1st for the prime minister either to acquiesce to these demands or resign.