Depending on what you're watching, you may also see trivia from IMDB or links to players' stats.
Governments that take in many immigrants also see benefits from allowing them to keep their old passports.
But you also see Democrats from states that are Republican who voted to cut off debate, so there's a good deal of politics here.
But senior White House officials said Bush, while willing to move in Norwood's direction, must also see movement from Norwood on the key issue of liability.
But you'll also see from Senator Specter and the Judiciary Committee a similar compromise circulating and the question is can they get it together before Monday night?
You also see, from the U.S. side, the ability to draw from our own experiences to provide the type of technical expertise that exists within our team, as we share those lessons and as we discuss some of the tools that the Europeans are considering and the international community can bring to bear.
We could also see a decline from Kuwait, and perhaps the UAE.
Chinese states may also see some stimulus from Beijing in their initiatives to promote growth, even though Beijing is trying to stay away from abundant fixed asset investment spending on things like roads and bridges.
You can also see big box stores from Chilean companies like S.A.C.
It will also see the journey time from Manchester to London reduced by nearly an hour to 1 hour and eight minutes via the Birmingham link.
Interestingly, you'll also see a significant impact from upscaling your footage through the Sony projector's processing engine -- which makes 'Reality Creation' one of the stars of this show, not least because 4K content is so hard to find.
ENGADGET: This is what native 4K home cinema looks like on Sony's VPL-VW1000ES projector
This would see a change in the focus of the Ofsted inspections, but would also see a demand for greater qualifications from child minders.
This weekend's summit, which brings together around 40 heads of state from 60 nations, offers a chance to address some of these issues, and also to see how Europe can learn from Latin America's traumatic debt crisis of the 1980s.
You will also see stalls run by craftspeople from the township area, Pienaarsig, selling such creations as wire sculptures and decorative bead-studded felt balls.
Verizon Communications ( VZ - news - people ) could also see some growth in 2010 from its cable competition via FiOS, Kramer says.
We also see mounting pressure on margins from two ends: corporate clients now see alternatives and challenge more and more the service fee paid to RIMM and competition is mounting on the consumer segment with all alternative platforms offering free email service.
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As you might imagine, I see a lot of different problems and challenges from one company to another, but I also see a lot of similarities.
They are also more likely to see inflationary implications from rising commodity prices.
ECONOMIST: Ignore the hawkish rhetoric. The Fed isn��t about to tighten
They would also like to see agricultural commodities exempted from American trade sanctions.
What we see not only from their critics but also from their response is that there is no evidence of dark matter.
FORBES: Reinhart and Rogoff; and The Dangers of Tipping Points, Real and Otherwise
We also see prices going up in watches from the early 70s before Richemont, Swatch Group and LVMH started buying out many brands.
It also wants to see more adoptive parents from ethnic minorities.
At the office I could see people looking at me and also looking away from me.
It's also great to see song thrushes apparently recovering from a slump in the 1990s.
Amazon also provides reviews so customers can see feedback from others on the same or similar products.
Their technology uses six different angles of view so people looking from different directions can also see in 3-D.
People can also see others at the conference who are from the same company, the same hometown, or the same university.
Since 4G is initially about broadband data, we can also expect to see a flurry of activity from the software community.
The Alliance MP would also like to see some of the recommendations from the controversial Eames-Bradley report implemented to help victims and their families move on.
Now in his third term as IPC president, Sir Philip - a former Paralympic wheelchair basketball player - also wants to see the word disability banished from the dictionary.