General JOHN KEANE (U.S. Army, Retired): Yeah, it's good to see you again, Neal.
Just in case I don't ever see you again, I had a real good time.
We're going to see you again in December, because we're going to do some more fun stuff.
WHITEHOUSE: First Lady Michelle Obama Discusses State and Official Visits | The White House
Meantime, we at Forbes Global will see you again with our first issue of 2005 just after the turn of the year.
Many of you joined us at the business summit during my visit to Moscow one year ago, and it is good to see you again.
So we have a very heavy agenda ahead of us, and we'll have many opportunities to see you again and explain to you what decisions we've been led to take.
Why would you ever want to see anyone again when you can just walk two feet to your kitchen and have an operator connect the two of you for a chat?
You see, again, the oil companies making all the profits and the communities making absolutely nothing.
You see, again, a number of allies stepping up with different contributions as well.
And I think the progress we've seen now where you see again broad recognition from a lot of the opponents of consumer -- that we were going to have strong independent consumer protection authority is the result of that attention.
It may be the most awkward conversation of your life, but you never know when you will see them again.
' Going through 10 minutes of thinking he was dead and I would never see him again, you never want that feeling again.
CNN: Baby boy among those treated after movie theater shootings
Today let us all find resolution and peace as we give Vicky her Christian service and burial in order that you can then move on in your lives, knowing that one day you will see Vicky again in God's eternal kingdom of love.
This is something you see over and over again in classic literature and films.
If it turns out that once again you see a huge energy spike, then we can revisit it.
WHITEHOUSE: Presidential Press Conference on the 2012 Budget
Time and again you see popular web services focusing on iOS and having Android pushed back to second place.
FORBES: Facebook's Internal Android Campaign Illustrates iPhone's Strength With Innovators
Professor PEGGIE SMITH (Law, University of Iowa): And you see over and over again these references to the fact that women of color, black women in particular, did not require as much in order to live, the notion that their families simply didn't need the same level of pay as did, for example, white families in order to make a daily living.