General JOHN KEANE (U.S. Army, Retired): Yeah, it's good to see you again, Neal.
Just in case I don't ever see you again, I had a real good time.
We're going to see you again in December, because we're going to do some more fun stuff.
WHITEHOUSE: First Lady Michelle Obama Discusses State and Official Visits | The White House
Meantime, we at Forbes Global will see you again with our first issue of 2005 just after the turn of the year.
It was good to see you again in the course of your appearance yesterday with General Shelton before the Senate Armed Services Committee.
Many of you joined us at the business summit during my visit to Moscow one year ago, and it is good to see you again.
So we have a very heavy agenda ahead of us, and we'll have many opportunities to see you again and explain to you what decisions we've been led to take.
And to President Lee, good to see you again.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Lee Hold a News Conference
Why would you ever want to see anyone again when you can just walk two feet to your kitchen and have an operator connect the two of you for a chat?
If you ever want to see your family again you'll have to get them to pay the money we want.
You see, again, the oil companies making all the profits and the communities making absolutely nothing.
You see, again, a number of allies stepping up with different contributions as well.
When you see, again, new housing in East Jerusalem today announced -- what is the leverage behind these talks?
And I think the progress we've seen now where you see again broad recognition from a lot of the opponents of consumer -- that we were going to have strong independent consumer protection authority is the result of that attention.
Since every dollar paid in expenses is a dollar you will never see again or be able to turn into greater wealth what you pay in fees is no small matter.
It may be the most awkward conversation of your life, but you never know when you will see them again.