And if we use their biomass directly and not just the seed - all we use are the seedof the corn - we use their biomass directly to make energy and to run the plant that makes the energy, we can have biofuels that are immensely better, that can give us 80 or 90 percent reductions in greenhouse gases compared to gasoline.
Innovations are remarkably similar in some of their basic features as described by economist-statistician Zvi Griliches many years ago in his study of the dispersion of new hybrid cornseed varieties.
Protecting the Technological SeedCorn: Fortunately, in the case of the F-117 and to an even greater degree with the aforementioned systems whose problems were more in the public domain, the secretary of Defense presiding at the time (and others in the executive branch) engaged directly with the Congress to muster and maintain the necessary support from Capitol Hill.