Such a prospect seems a distinct possibility after State Department spokesman Richard Boucher today declined to reaffirm the U.S. intention to seekavote on this initiative irrespective of allied concerns.
The prime minister, who no longer enjoys a majority in the lower house, was expected to seeka confidence vote later this month as a prelude to elections.
House Democratic leaders have given conflicting signals in recent days, but they appear unlikely to seeka floor vote on extending just some of the tax breaks before Congress adjourns this week to campaign ahead of the elections.
Many of the freshmen Republicans in the House who are driving the no vote have suggested that this is only a preliminary vote, and that going a few weeks before there is a final vote will just lead to the spending cuts they seek.
House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi of California and others repeatedly questioned why Republicans would seek to weaken a measure that received strong bipartisan support in a 78-22 Senate vote earlier this year.