"Those affected now need clear and straightforward information to enable them to seek redress, " he said.
Exonerees may later seek redress from the cities, states and officials whose actions precipitated their wrongful conviction.
If the host government were to default on its commitments, investors should be able to seek redress before special tribunals or national courts.
In addition, HP is preparing to seek redress against various parties in the appropriate civil courts to recoup what it can for its shareholders.
The plaintiffs who seek redress at the Supreme Court are rarely as polished as the movie versions that the Court can bring itself to love.
The idea of regulators caring for the public in an accountable way, or of courts where a humble citizen can seek redress, would sound naive to many Russians.
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First, he has said he will apply to the Federal Electoral Tribunal for an injunction to re-establish his political rights, and may also seek redress in international human-rights tribunals.
On April 18th, for example, the Supreme Court blocked a Palestinian family in America from using American courts to seek redress from the Palestinian Authority for torture and murder.
Past experience suggests, however, that the very fact that we are party to a treaty regime may actually make it less likely that we will detect and seek redress of violations.
In 2003, some 5, 500 people, including teachers and parents, visited the education ministry in Beijing to seek redress over issues ranging from high fees to corruption and unpaid wages for teachers.
It remains to be seen whether the Romney campaign or any politicians similarly caught on tape will seek redress or attempt to enforce criminal or civil sanctions in an effort to prevent these practices.
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An obvious one is the stream of petitioners who head to Beijing to visit government offices to seek redress for abuses of power in their hometowns, an imperial tradition that the Communist Party has, through gritted teeth, maintained.
Some Iraqis who were apparently mistreated in the American-run prison of Abu Ghraib have given up trying to seek redress through the criminal law and have instead lodged a civil suit in American courts against CACI, a company allegedly involved in the Abu Ghraib abuses.
Class actions are a vehicle through which individuals harmed by fraudulent conduct of companies and Wall Street firms can seek redress as a large group, thus sharing the costs and expenses, which they could not do if they all brought their own individual suits.
Charles Schumer, a Democratic senator, and Lindsey Graham, a Republican, authors of the 2005 China tariff bill that probably pushed China to move, have introduced a variant that would force the Treasury to make the designation and then seek redress through the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organisation, and unilateral duties.
Officers booted out by the army for their political views will be able to seek legal redress.
Nigel Rabbitts, chair of Devon and Cornwall Police Federation, which represents officers, said some of those forced to retire "may want to seek some redress".
Anita Hill's accusations of harassment against Clarence Thomas during his televised confirmation hearings for the Supreme Court encouraged thousands more women to seek legal redress.
In addition to shareholder class actions, the class action vehicle has been used by groups of employees to redress discrimination by companies and, in the medical area, to seek compensation for defective medical and pharmaceutical products which cause widespread harm.