But those who want to build must not cede ground to terrorists who seek to destroy.
This is the true Islam of the Prophet, and the Islam that the terrorists seek to destroy.
Many have claimed that jihadists like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who seek to destroy Western civilization in the name of Islam are madmen.
Before the privacy onslaught, scientists and intelligence officials were trying to find ways of identifying those fanatics who seek to destroy America before they strike again.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Balancing security and privacy during wartime
These are often cited as sources of pressure that, unless appeased by liberalization of the current export control regime, will seek to destroy that regime altogether.
He recognizes that Israel and the US share the same enemies and that our enemies seek to destroy us because we represent the same thing: freedom.
So, too, rather than participate in the deal, the US would seek to destroy the Iranian-controlled operatives holding the hostages and discredit and defeat the Iraqi political forces operating under Iranian control.
In this conflict, as the U.S. government struggles to defeat the enemy and keep our people safe, it is up against not only those who overtly and unambiguously seek to destroy us.
That will make the Belo Monte story even more interesting: big corporate government and miners seek to destroy the livelihood of tens of thousands, possibly extincts some fish like the zebra catfish, according to studies, and floods virgin rainforest in the name of development and future mining profits.
Like the Prime Minister's Office's apology to Noam Chomsky, Klaffter's action - aside from arguably being prohibited by his own university's constitution - was further proof of the Left's success in appropriating the language and imagery of freedom and tolerance in the service of forces that seek to destroy freedom and end tolerance.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Reclaiming our language from the Left
Still, if you are one who understands that against incredible odds and enemies he has created the most incredibly amazing electric car and car company and the fact that Elon reasonably believed (and largely proved) that this journalist did indeed unjustifiably, recklessly (perhaps intentionally), seek to destroy that dream, one can understand why he got so upset.
What they seek to destroy and who they seek to kill -- innocent people -- just as the continent of Africa, just as the country of South Africa, shows the world what it had built, I think speaks volumes to the hateful motives of those that history will judge as looking only to destroy and to kill, rather than to build.
They include compounds that block bad genes responsible for spreading cancer into the bones, chemicals that prompt prostate cancer cells to destroy themselves and vaccines that train the body's killer T cells to seek and destroy tumor cells.
They include compounds that block bad genes responsible for spreading cancer into the bones, chemicals that prompt prostate cancer cells to destroy themselves and vaccines that train the body's killer T-cells to seek and destroy tumor cells.
The goal is to harvest resources (food, wood, gold and stone), construct buildings (including sawmills, watch towers and barracks) on a huge, randomly generated map in order to seek out and destroy rival races while simultaneously protecting your burgeoning town.
Enemies of America, as opposed to our common criminals, seek not merely to break our laws but to destroy our society.
FORBES: Osama Bin Laden's Son-In-Law Turns War On Terror Into War On Confusion
Thanks to Newsweek's explosive gaffe, we now have further reason to recognize the need to isolate and destroy our Islamofascist foes - even as we seek to reach out to and empower truly non-Islamist Muslims.
And the image America will ultimately project is that of an emasculated, formerly great power, easy prey for those who seek not just to displace, but destroy, it.
The audience passionately roots for Pandora's survival, everyone learns that all living beings are connected and that those who seek to exploit nature rather than respect it will only destroy themselves.
Much like businesses playing games to avoid the law, any attempts by labor to seek special favors for their membership will only serve to undermine the opportunity to bring healthcare to all Americans and destroy any opportunity we have to see what the ACA can do to improve American healthcare.
Pick your character, your team, the game you wish to join, then it is a matter of seek, destroy and win.
And there is another alternative: Apple could ultimately seek a patent cross-licensing deal with Google despite its late chief executive Steve Jobs' vow to "destroy Android".
BBC: Google reacts to Apple's US patent victory over Samsung