Trains should have a separate carriage for smokers, and restaurants should segregate as well.
Segregate email to early and late times in the day so you can work in the middle.
Allowing some students to wear modified school uniforms will tend further to divide and segregate our students.
ABCDs of customers: Segregate customers into four groups, from the most profitable As to the least profitable Ds.
Segregate the potential of the brand from assumptions that can short-circuit intelligent valuation.
But managing director Ken Nottage said he did not want to segregate fans.
The rich, feeling left out from the masses are forced to segregate themselves in country clubs, gated communities and private schools.
Most segregate the contracts into groups by purchase date, and invest the funds for each group in a separate pool of bonds.
Any plan that does offer abortion coverage must segregate the money it uses for those procedures from any federal dollars it receives.
If you segregate your retirement funds before you are tempted to spend them, there might actually be something there when you need it.
They wear no distinguishing insignia to segregate themselves as a militia.
More often than not, bands would self-segregate according to race.
He decided to segregate 1 million acres of federal lands in Arizona while the Department evaluates whether new mining claims should be allowed on these lands.
The move to segregate the data inside U.S.-based Google data centers was likewise not a major security improvement as much as an effort to address legal concerns.
In sum, we tend to segregate their voices and needs rather than find ways to integrate the mindset of the Hispanic consumer into our entire business strategy.
FORBES: America's Corporations Can No Longer Ignore Hispanic Marketing Like Mitt Romney Did
They don't want to re-segregate, and when they do experience...
Because leverage with currency futures is not far off 50:1 (30:1 on the CME, for example), hedging may be easier with futures, and futures brokers must segregate assets for some protection.
Jefferson, who lost re-election to his seat last fall, said he should have been afforded a chance "to segregate privileged legislative materials and shield them from review" before the search warrant was executed.
Argentina and Canada, in particular, are united in opposing efforts to segregate modified and unmodified crops, such as soya beans, at source (which would mean that consumers really knew what they were buying).
An investigation by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) found there were no designated crossing points on the road, and nothing to segregate pedestrians and vehicles or guide on who had the right of way.
Owners of smaller estates may not want to commit assets to the strategies mentioned in the paragraph above because of the greater potential that the owner may need these assets for personal or business reasons, or the assets are not easy to segregate.
FORBES: I'm Okay with Mitt Romney's Income and Estate Tax Planning