The confirmation came three hours after seismic activity was detected at North Korea's nuclear test site.
He later launched Hoyos International, which wrote software that oil explorers used to track seismic activity.
Mehmet Ali Isikara, chief of the Kandilli Observatory, warned of "unusual" seismic activity near Istanbul.
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And while seismic activity continues, so does the debate about how and when the rebuilding can begin.
It was once as high as 3, 800 meters and the surrounding area is constantly racked by seismic activity.
Indonesia sits atop a web of fault lines that makes the sprawling archipelago prone to volcanic and seismic activity.
Iran straddles a major geological fault line, making it prone to seismic activity.
The U.S. Geological Survey, the federal outfit that studies earthquakes, acknowledges that increased seismic activity coincides with wastewater injection.
Because there was no artificial seismic activity at the time, Seoul ruled out a third North Korean underground nuclear test.
Power-law patterns are similar to the statistical distributions of seismic activity, which inspires hope of predicting both types of calamity.
Seismic activity triggered by the test at the Punggye-ri site in the north-east of the country was detected by several nations.
So, in fact, every plant in the United States is designed to deal with whatever seismic activity is likely for that.
Historically strong seismic activity has been observed in the Mediterranean and North-eastern Atlantic, albeit less frequently than in the Pacific Ocean.
Seismologists and geophysicists have not been as sure, saying the seismic activity they measured appeared to stem from the mine's collapse.
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The first indication of the latest test was seismic activity at the test site, which U.S. officials estimated at roughly magnitude 5.1.
Seismic activity was detected in North Korea this evening that the United States Geological Survey registered as a 5.1 magnitude earthquake.
North Korea confirmed the test after international monitors recorded seismic activity consistent with a powerful underground explosion at 11:57 (02:57 GMT) on Tuesday.
BBC: North Korea nuclear test branded 'serious threat' to US
Many of those that collapsed were put up before 1980 when Italy brought in stricter regulations for construction in areas of seismic activity.
Conditions have been imposed to minimise the risk of seismic activity.
"We'll keep track of the seismic activity to see whether it continues to indicate this underthrusting of the Mediterranean subsurface underneath North Africa, " said Rinus Wortel.
The U.S. Geological Survey said it detected seismic activity with a magnitude of 5.1, bigger than the seismic activity produced in North Korea's previous two blasts.
As the Korean peninsula is not prone to seismic activity, this is highly likely to indicate a nuclear test, says the Korean Yonhap news agency.
Geologists warn that the two earthquakes occurred on the same fault line, which may signal hyperactive seismic activity in the region, South China Morning Post reports.
There have already been signs of seismic activity within Bayer.
The criteria considered include population density, the distance to underground geological formations suitable for carbon sequestration, seismic activity, terrain, proximity to airports, military bases and so on and so forth.
Smarr is filling a nature reserve at UC Irvine with sensors to transmit environmental data to San Diego supercomputers, which are modeling weather patterns, seismic activity and behavior of animal populations.
The so-called stress tests will be performed on Europe's 143 working reactors and other atomic installations and will consider a range of factors, including seismic activity, flooding, and power loss at reactors.
Each day, the scientific community collects millions of individual Earth observations, allowing us to examine, monitor, and model atmospheric composition, seismic activity, ecosystem health, weather patterns, and hundreds of other characteristics of our planet.
In general, shifting the balance of fluids underground -- whether taking more out of the ground than is put back in or vice versa -- is likely to trigger seismic activity, the report concludes.
Toyota, which started as a division of the Toyota Automatic Loom Works, managed to develop a worldwide presence and reputation, survived a number of seismic recalls and some actual seismic activity is celebrating its 75th anniversary.