This rule is designed to ensure that individual investors have equal access to information as large institutional investors, by prohibiting selective disclosure of material information.
Thus, consultants often seek to enhance their influence with funds through a variety of devices such as limiting manager access to fund boards and selective disclosure of information regarding managers to boards.
" That's an overstatement, but Mr. Grundfest is right that social media "is a highly efficient means for broadly disseminating many different forms of information in non-exclusionary manner" and that Facebook and Twitter are "uniquely ill-suited to the selective disclosure of information.
In 1999, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) proposed and later ratified Regulation Fair Disclosure to address selective releases of material information by publicly traded companies and other issuers.
We find significant increases in trade sizes during the hours when firms provide off-line access to investors and after the presentation when the CEO is present, consistent with selective access providing investors with information that they perceive to be valuable enough to trade upon.
Dr Lauchlan said that the bilingual children were seen to have "an aptitude for selective attention" and an ability to filter and focus on information which is important.