First you have to be self-aware, and decide on what you want to be a habit.
According to the Terminator television show, Skynet became self-aware on April 19 at 8:11 p.m.
They have helped me become more self-aware and open, and enabled me to understand my blind spots.
But someone can become more self-aware, work on social skills and learn negotiating tactics later in life.
When I spoke with Nicole, she echoed that being self-aware is key for young employees starting out.
Either he is a self-aware man with a dose of humility or a shrewd manipulator of his audience.
Instead, in facing the stigma of depression, we become more assured and self-aware leaders, an asset to any type of workplace.
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But by identifying specific, non-essential, and not damning areas of development, you can come across as a self-aware, reflective, and thoughtful professional.
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Patients should be self-aware, but they should hesitate before jumping to conclusions.
Self-aware leaders expect their colleagues to also know their strengths and motivations.
But the ultimate goal is to create a world where self-aware vehicles can drive passengers around without hitting pedestrians or bumping into other vehicles.
She described Andrea as a fun-loving, personable and self-aware young woman.
She described Rebello as a fun-loving, personable and self-aware young woman.
Those who want to get better, have to be or become self-aware enough to recognize their own faults, requiring the often painful solicitation of honest feedback.
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The story concerns the struggles of a nearly aphasic, socially challenged yet smart, painfully self-aware, and desperately lonely young man to get through his days and nights.
In my experience of having done this for years, I have noticed that those who do it the quickest are those that tend to be most self-aware.
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People move very fast on the streets, their gaits self-aware.
Maintain a confidential and safe environment to become more self-aware.
Some complaints, of course, were perhaps more self-aware than others.
Science fiction is rife with intelligent, self-aware computers, from the benevolent "Mike" of Robert A. Heinlein's The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress to the murderous HAL 9000 in Arthur C.
He recognizes that the struggle to control our destructive tendencies can be incrementally moved in the right direction by people becoming more self-aware (or, in language popular today, cultivate mindfulness).
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Will they be more self-aware and thereby follow rules?
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The most self-aware of the gay men in this picture revel in the ironies of their social and sexual identities, and Livingston makes us appreciate the comic grace and the strange wisdom of that approach.
Plus, how can you not like a book about a spaceship that numbers among its crew a piece of automated luggage that has become self-aware and founded a lobbying group for other self-aware appliances and luggage?
Mark encourages emerging entrepreneurs to become self-aware.
Monroe emerges as a painfully self-aware and motivated performer who craved achievement as much as fame yet understood the value of her sexual allure, which she donned like a mask and became, to her dismay, her public identity.
It starts with having the humility to be self-aware of your own limitations, followed by the intellectual curiosity to ask the right questions and actively listen to input, and concluding with the belief and optimism that something better is always possible.
But before some eager solopreneur casts off the bonds of corporate work for the unbounded freedom of self-employment, they need to be aware of a few things.