In fact, Watson is as self-contained as the knowledge of any single human being.
Self-contained vacuum, pump and filter system works without suction lines or other modifications to existing systems.
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In Bradford acute in-patient care has been reconfigured to provide self-contained single sex units.
By all accounts the self-contained world they created there every summer was dedicated unabashedly to pleasure.
Both geographically and legally, companies are no longer the unified, self-contained organisations that they were.
One result is to turn what was once a commodity product into a self-contained service.
He described the ICD defibrillator as a "self-contained emergency room in the chest" that monitors the heartbeat.
"It moves you out of your self-contained little bubble and helps you avoid group think, " he says.
It is a collection of self-contained towns, each with a train station instead of a town square.
Dr Pepper Snapple's approach is still rare, and more traditional semester-long, self-contained projects remain in high demand.
The automated external defibrillator is a portable, self-contained machine that can shock the heart back into rhythm.
CNN: Cardiac-arrest victims' parents push for school defibrillators
Ideally, this new discovery would lead to a tiny, self-contained oil well: In comes plants, out comes fuels or chemicals.
But evacuating them may not be enough to provide the self-contained future state which the PA demands.
Ideally, this would lead to a tiny, self-contained oil well: In comes plants, out comes fuels or chemicals.
Europe is moving beyond power into a self-contained world of laws and rules and transnational negotiation and cooperation.
They want to be recognized as a self-contained municipality -- something the local government has said will not happen.
The SNIA Long Term Retention working group has been working hard to develop a Self-Contained Information Retrieval Format (SIRF).
Blechacz's self-contained approach led to an unprecedented result at what may be the most exacting of all music competitions.
There is professional management succession planning with our group of self-contained subsidiary companies.
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The Home Office wants the centres to be self-contained with education, creche, shops, sports and legal facilities on site.
Embedded systems, such as the proposed Venus box, are self-contained, which again means consumers do not require third-party software.
We actors tend to get very self-contained, where he has the ability to think of it as a whole.
But Murray is so quiet and self-contained that he seems to want nothing.
Actually, Europe's drifting off into its own self-contained world is an extraordinary achievement of the U.S.' post-World War II diplomacy.
Big east-coast firms such as Digital Equipment Corporation and Data General were self-contained empires that focused on one product, mini-computers.
The boy was born, and the little triad was sighted on Seventy-eighth Street, always self-reliant and self-contained, always in a hurry.
Just about every self-contained, classically keyed solo, duet or group number seems to be treading water rather than deepening the drama.
Fifty self-contained flats will be built on the old Newton Abbot hospital site, 10 of which will be specifically for dementia sufferers.
They created self-contained corporate villages that cut off employees from outside influences.
We'll forgive the extremely nice folk behind the PDJ when they claim to have the first fully self-contained portable DJ set-up.