The main group was the AUC - the United Self-Defence Forces of Colombia, which officially at least has demobilised.
BBC: Q&A: Colombia's civil conflict
The Mai Mai militias began as self-defence forces, but are now simply roving bands of thieves and thugs, often under the control of warlords of no particular politics or loyalty.
ECONOMIST: Eastern Congo
In reaction, other forces started up, local self-defence groups known as the Kamajors.
ECONOMIST: Sierra Leone
The police report describes him as a "miscreant who was part of an unlawful assembly", at which the forces had fired tear gas shells in self-defence.
BBC: The angry housewives setting Kashmir ablaze
Because many Filipinos object to the return of troops from the former colonial power, American forces have not been allowed to do any fighting, except in self-defence.
ECONOMIST: The terrorists who got away