The cabinet said it would look at setting up a self-financing concessionary transport scheme.
The green waste collection would be self-financing through money saved in landfill fees, councillors said.
BBC: Poole council's free garden waste collection to be axed
The Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (Cosla) criticised the proposed move to self-financing through fees from 2004-05.
Yes Scotland said the donations had all been made directly to the campaign which has been self-financing since September.
When Beveridge published his blueprint for the welfare state in 1942, the Treasury hoped that pensions would be largely self-financing.
"Young bands that are perhaps self-financing and have to make money through touring can release three EPs rather than one album, " he said.
Cleverly structured, a rescue would have been at least partly self-financing.
Launching a program with the eventual goal of self-financing is what is setting this partnership apart from many other programs that sprung up in post-quake Haiti.
This would start with the abolition of zaito, making the public lenders self-financing and combining zaito's myriad special accounts and corporations with the government's general account.
ECONOMIST: Just how bad are the Japanese government��s finances?
"The government are not targeting an under-performing agency with a need to make savings as the DVLA is self-financing and produces a significant operating surplus, " he said.
The cash flows of this business make it nearly self-financing.
Sure, both programs started with altruistic intentions, but the built-in goal of self-financing helped the Timberland alliance stay on track, and that will help ensure the long-term success of the project.
The major tax cuts promised in the 2008 election campaign have been put on hold and stimulus measures appear to have been limited and designed to be largely self-financing or financed by reallocating existing funds (although they have been introduced in parts, which makes it difficult to assess the full impact on the economy and the public finances).
But Garcia rose phoenix-like from the ashes and rebuilt his career by dint of skillful financing, deft timing and a dash of self-dealing.
Proving that you have the financial wherewithal to support a mortgage financing request has already been addressed and new rules cemented in place by a self-corrected industry.