• He added that gun-carrying pilots, federal air marshals and airline crew members trained in self-defense provided security to protect against the misuse of the newly added items.

    WSJ: NY Senator opposes plan to allow knives on planes

  • "No intimidation will budge us from our willingness to help that country rise up again and rebuild itself with self-government, security and freedom, " Berlusconi said in a statement.

    CNN: Berlusconi defiant over Iraq

  • These patterns of self-recruitment and self-radicalisation are a headache for security services, who have no easy way to infiltrate close-knit, local groups that operate at first without foreign help.

    ECONOMIST: Muslim extremism in Europe

  • None of this, however, is likely to shake China's tendency to equate food security with self-sufficiency.

    ECONOMIST: China

  • In addition, he allegedly failed to pay Social Security and self-employment taxes when he worked for the International Monetary Fund.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • For the West the confusion is how to assist Muslim countries make the transition into modernity as much out of historical necessity as self-interest in terms of security.


  • One situation would be when you have a higher probability than most that you will need care and the risk is just too great to your financial security to self-insure.

    FORBES: Insurers Are Getting Out Of Long Term Care -- Is It Time For You To Get In?

  • One self-confessed kidnapper now runs the security services in one of Yemen's 17 provinces.

    ECONOMIST: Yemen

  • The presence on flights of gun-carrying pilots traveling as passengers, federal air marshals and airline crew members trained in self-defense provide additional layers of security to protect against misuse of the items, he said.

    NPR: TSA To Allow Small Knives, Bats, Clubs On Planes

  • The failure to file and pay self-employment tax by self-employed individuals could cause them to be ineligible for social security retirement or disability benefits.

    FORBES: Non-Filers Beware: Who's That Knocking at Your Door ?

  • His system, called self-protecting digital content, places the security on the disc instead of in the player.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • His latest passion is for establishing a business-improvement district and a system of self-imposed taxation for street cleaning and security.

    ECONOMIST: The puppet-master of toytown

  • Such self-guided programs were now the second biggest security threat to Windows users, he said.

    BBC: Video gamers face malware deluge

  • But no one's arguing that Social Security won't eventually self-destruct, unless it's infused with funds from massive tax increases or, equally unpleasant, scaled down by reductions in benefits.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • At one end of this spectrum are the values people hold when the struggle for survival is uppermost: they say that economic and physical security are more important than self-expression.

    ECONOMIST: American values: Living with a superpower | The

  • Under the changes, a self-employed worker who contributes to the social security system in one EU country, and then moves to another member state that does not have unemployment insurance for the self-employed will be able to claim unemployment benefit from the country where the worker was last based before becoming unemployed.

    BBC: MEPs welcome new social security rules

  • Australia places its security not only on its own self-reliant military forces, but on the strategic underpinnings provided by its most important ally, the United States.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Underestimating China

  • He said the co-ordination of social security legislation was portrayed as a "safety net" for hard-working self-employed people who fall on hard times.

    BBC: MEPs welcome new social security rules

  • The State Department this week said a preliminary investigation by Honduran authorities found that their security forces were justified in firing in self-defense.

    CNN: Honduran, US relations overcome deadly drug raid

  • As a result, Arab food self-sufficiency policies have shifted towards a broader concept of food security.


  • Good intentions, as usual: the main aim is to stop bosses dodging social-security payments by falsely labelling their staff as self-employed.

    ECONOMIST: Germany

  • The Center for Security Policy has long documented Germany's self-serving and dangerous policies toward the former Soviet Union and repeatedly urged the U.S. government not to abdicate leadership on East-West relations to Bonn.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • These new arrangements should give due consideration both to the principle of self-government by the inhabitants of these territories and to the legitimate security concerns of the parties involved.

    BBC: The Camp David Accords of 1979

  • As part of my contribution to today's hearing, I wanted to emphasize some of the private sector arguments for companies to implement new security-minded due diligence procedures that bring a self-policing dimension to their activities in a way that mitigates the valid risks involved.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Doing business with Iran

  • In a world where layoffs and down-sizings are routine, however, self-employment starts to look like the most dependable option for long term job security.

    FORBES: How to Distinguish Between a Honest Online Entrepreneur and a Hustler With a MacBook Air

  • Germans who prefer to be self-employed so that they can avoid paying salaried workers' full social-security contributions also complain that the dice are loaded against them.

    ECONOMIST: What's ailing German industry

  • In addition, higher contributions for Medicare and Social Security are expected while 401(k)s and other self-funded retirement plans continue to replace employer-funded defined benefit plans, particularly for state and local government workers.

    FORBES: The No-Pain, No-Gain Economy

  • Greater security has helped to bring a revival of economic growth and national self-confidence.

    ECONOMIST: Colombia's presidential non-campaign

  • To assist in providing such security, a strong local police force will be constituted by the self-governing authority.

    BBC: The Camp David Accords of 1979

  • Self-employment tax, sometimes called SE tax, is a tax consisting of Social Security and Medicare taxes for those who work for themselves.

    FORBES: Ask the taxgirl: Self-employment Tax

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