According to Halvorson, our lack of self confidence in our abilities causes us to give up too soon.
"Our economy is still in a weakened condition, and our self confidence as a nation has been shaken, " Mr Lenihan said.
She says that even the most experienced women tend to suffer from a lack of self confidence and sense of vulnerability.
It takes fearless self confidence to take the risk that our humility will be mistaken for diffidence or a deficiency in competitive fire.
It starts with our fathers and husbands, and continues with role models and superiors who help build self confidence by giving constructive and positive feedback.
"Without that self confidence they won't go for it, " he said.
And I was just so overcome by emotion because at that point of time, you know, after 17 films, you have no self confidence left.
Self confidence is the key to accept any challenges in life.
She continues to exhibit calm self confidence to this day.
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In that sort of environment, self confidence was indispensable.
FORBES: Linda Hudson, First Female CEO In Defense, Reflects On What It Takes
What emerges from her chronicle is the story of a person who never let setbacks shake her self confidence, a Southern girl who learned to be a street fighter without losing her humanity.
FORBES: Linda Hudson, First Female CEO In Defense, Reflects On What It Takes
There is self-confidence, and then there is self-confidence.
We must also stress the type of Scotland we seek - a modern country of enterprise and opportunity in which an imaginative, entrepreneurial Scotland contributes to the growth of national wealth and national self confidence, and in which we have the best public services freely available to all.
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So whilst I would be the first to admit that the Union side have to some extent dodged bullets, and even underachieved at the last, in recent years, it is nonetheless true that England are now respected, even feared, by the southern hemisphere, and carry a self confidence that could well bring them the big prize.
Parents argue that the sport is still a good way to learn discipline, self-confidence and self-reliance.
Low self-confidence and self esteem may mean they are more susceptible to drug and alcohol use and criminal activities.
It is a philosophy for people with self-respect, self-loyalty, self-confidence, self-esteem, and independence.
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His self-confidence and self-possession come in part from the fact that he enjoys a life outside the world of sailing.
As a group raised with an unprecedented instilling of self-confidence and self-worth, is it any wonder that millennials are comfortable in the spotlight -- or the flash?
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Exceptional achievers always experience low levels of confidence and self-confidence, but they train hard and practice continually until they reach an acceptable level of competence.
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When women and men are secure in themselves, believe in their skills, and have a high level of self-confidence and self-awareness, they will generally not behave the way you described.
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We need citizens and parents to get involved, because nothing we do in school with make much of a difference unless we instill in our kids the self-confidence and the self-discipline and the work ethic that are at the heart of success not just in school but in life.
Of course confidence has many dimensions, but at the core of self-confidence is a belief in our own self-worth.
It begins with parents who are instilling in their kids not only a love of learning, but also the self-confidence and especially the self-discipline and work ethics that are at the heart of success in school and success in life.
This is a crucial step to renewing self-confidence and being entirely comfortable with who you are.
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Acquiring literacy skills gives women a sense of self-confidence and control over their life and future.
Its supporters say that the law reflects the increasing maturity and self-confidence of Spanish democracy.
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And yet she had the self-confidence to berate Hank Paulson for letting Lehman Brothers fail.
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The real theme is the undermining of male self-confidence brought about by long-term idleness.
Ms Hanbury argued that schools needed to help young people to develop their self-confidence.