This, economists will tell you, leads to a "tragedy of the commons, " where individual owners, acting in their own self interests, destroy the resource.
FORBES: The YouTube Solution
If the bomblets fail to find something suitable to destroy, they automatically self-destruct.
ECONOMIST: Cluster bombs and Iraq
Whim worshipping only leads to self destruction, and any one is free to destroy themselves.
FORBES: Self Interest: The Most Life Enhancing Driver of Them All
He has endeavored, in every way that he could to destroy her confidence in her own powers, to lessen her self-respect, and to make her willing to lead a dependent and abject life.
FORBES: What Was Obama Talking About When He Cited The Historical References Of 'Seneca Falls And Selma And Stonewall'?
The companies, in survival mode and out of pure self-interest, jump at the chance, as even a weak government case can destroy them.
FORBES: Justice 'Deferred'