Later, Mr Kubrick was to disparage formal learning, as self-educated people sometimes do.
The leaders of the growing labour movement were exactly the kind of self-educated men who prided themselves on a fierce intellectual independence from ready-made doctrine.
In 1818, a half-educated but boldly self-possessed beauty named Fanny Brawne (Abbie Cornish) captures the admiration, and then the love, of a tubercular young man (Ben Whishaw).
In 1998 David Blunkett, then the education secretary, paid tribute to the self-made Victorians, who educated themselves out of poverty in libraries, clubs and workers' institutes.
ECONOMIST: Adult schooling is to be the new engine-room of industry
The success of management resulted in America emerging as the premier industrial power, not principally because of a large educated workforce who magically self-organized so as to become highly productive, but rather because large US corporations discovered how to use large numbers of even semi-skilled people more productively.
Perhaps it is not from the benevolence of politicians, school administrators and teachers unions that we ought to expect our children to become better educated, but from the self-interest of entrepreneurs in a competitive education market.
Mostly young, well-educated and dressed like mall rats, many are self-employed and can work at home.
They'd love to see her as a mother and they'd love to see her in her full self, but part of her full self is being strong and having opinions and speaking out and being educated.
Libby Dowling, care advisor at Diabetes UK, said decisions on self-monitoring must be made on an individual basis and patients must be educated on what to do with the results.
Mr. GANNON: The typical victim of investment fraud is married, college-educated, male, earning above the median income, financially literate, self-reliant.
In 1987, the now college-educated men sat in the same position on the same bench, again with a self-timed camera.
Actively working with schools, Mrs Shearer wants to see young children educated about the dangers of knives, stronger sentences for those caught carrying weapons and self-defence taught in schools.
The youth of today and the adults of tomorrow simply have not been educated in the reality, the necessary skills and the knowledge they need to be competitive and self-sufficient.