Obama spoke with confidence, optimism and grace, avoiding that peevish self pity he is prone to.
Older people are sensitive, always having self pity when you yell.
Because after all, we are in a state of self-pity and self-accusation.
And Ringil is hot-headed and prone to self-pity and self-destructiveness.
But there is still something unsettling about Mr Adams's unusual hints of resignation, his references to physical and emotional exhaustion, and the self-pity that for a while at least appears to have displaced the old self-confidence.
They never indulged in self-pity, no matter how stacked the odds were against them.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at Barnard College Commencement Ceremony | The White House
And it is easy to imagine how this leads to the tar-pit of self-pity.
You have shown no remorse and the only thing that has burdened you is self-pity.
His self-pity is not deep enough to wipe out his inspiration for writing and singing, though.
Now Mr Robinson has replaced self-pity and openness with defiance and (by his standards) secrecy.
His final ordeal might have inspired great self-pity, though he displayed no hint of it.
Thus Thurber's latter years are tragic, if his correspondence shows little evidence of self-pity.
His protagonist's self-pity becomes hopelessly intertwined with funny absurdity, but then the wrenching consequences of his words become clear.
But 20 years on, the danger is the catharsis may slip into self-pity.
There is an element of self-pity there, of course: many blue-collar workers have a better claim to disposable-android status.
It is rather an irritating read, often falling into the self-glamorising and self-pity that can be a feature of white Africans.
But I also remember listening to her talk about the hardships in her life, and she did so without any self-pity.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on Ensuring Fair Pay for In-Home Care Workers | The White House
He never exhibited any sense of self-pity over the hand he was dealt, or regret about the choices he had made.
And I don't believe that President-elect Obama will be full of self-pity.
Despite his terrible injuries and the 50 or so operations that followed to rebuild his face, Robin has never given in to self-pity.
The executives I interviewed picked themselves up and got on with business instead of wallowing in self-pity, just like Smart, Lin, Garvey, and Zinardi.
"Richard II can seem like a paean of self-pity, " Doran said.
There are slow passages, and sequences that lean too hard on self-pity, but there are many more moments of crazy transcendence, plus a fart joke or two.
To vary Wilfred Owen, the poetry is in the self-pity.
ECONOMIST: Modern poetry can be plaintive or richly idiomatic, or both
Refused to wallow in anything related to self-pity or suffering.
And then figuring out how to tell the difference between the two and letting the former go, while working to overcome the latter without lashing out or lapsing into self-pity.
Unfortunately for him, much of the pathos he was trying to convey was undone by his occasional flashes of animosity and resentment, plus glimpses of the monumental self-pity he seemed unable to suppress.