• And though we reluctantly learned a lot from the speeches that arose unbidden from his own bully pulpit at the head of the dinner table, we learned far more through the daily osmosis of his self sacrificing example.

    FORBES: The Missing Elephant in the Bedroom

  • Good-hearted, hard-working and self-sacrificing men who are just trying to take care of their friends and families.

    FORBES: Are Men The Latest Victims Of Media Misrepresentation?

  • In addition, President Obama should explain how his system of mutual self-sacrificing is supposed to work in practice.

    FORBES: President Obama Jabs At Ayn Rand, Knocks Himself Out

  • Dr Bowles, however, thinks that the virtues of human collaboration are so great that groups composed of genuine, self-sacrificing altruists would outcompete others.

    ECONOMIST: Human evolution: Moral thinking | The

  • Either pre-mothers, mid-mothers, post-mothers, or, most self-sacrificing and unconditionally loving, grandmothers.

    FORBES: The Single Best Women's Salary Strategy for 2013

  • An unheroic and pragmatic age might readily divest itself of over-sentimental notions about Pitt as the self-sacrificing pilot who weathered the biggest international storm which Britain had encountered since the 15th century.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • Through the decades, however, the masses have responded most intensely not to calculated appeals to their self-interest (though that didn't hurt) but to selfless, if not self-sacrificing, crusades for what is seen to be just and righteous.


  • Still the role models presented to young girls and women through fictional or historical characters are more often than not those who come to a bad end if they are not self-sacrificing, or are rewarded (with the man, usually) if they do put their own aspirations aside.

    FORBES: The World's Women Billionaires

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