Nintendo wants to make a profit from its console sales rather than sell at a loss, a strategy that worked well for the company with the Wii.
Many upscale markets manage to avoid price declines for awhile, he says, as homeowners reluctant to sell at a loss pull their properties off the market, hoping to ride out the storm.
Many homeowners are still underwater, and at any time in the coming years, these folks may face a situation, such as a job transfer or divorce, requiring them to sell at a loss.
Because the fund is closed-ended (investors have to leave their capital in for ten years), it can buy art on the spot for cash at good prices and cannot be forced to sell at a loss to meet redemptions.
Indeed, it may end up as a negative-margin business: If history is any guide, some companies will be willing to sell at a loss to gain market share, and there will be investors willing to finance them, at least for a while.
When jobs data improves or when more banks either mark their commercial real estate to market or sell it at a loss to attempt to spur more investments then perhaps the commercial real estate scenario will turn around, he says.
This is when a borrower negotiates with his lender to sell his home at a loss, taking a bet that home prices will further depreciate and that a short sale will bring in more cash for the lender than would a foreclosure and auction.
Irish banks that sell repossessed properties at a loss can pursue homeowners for the difference.
Many hardware manufacturers sell the devices at a loss, recovering the costs through monthly contracts or software sales.
GPs will be unwilling to rush to sell those investments at a loss or below their carry hurdle rate.
The bank decided to sell the portfolio at a loss because its value is expected to deteriorate further, this person added.
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There is emotional appeal because clients are less likely to need to sell an asset at a loss to fund a goal.
Dr McClellen, a former head of America's Food and Drug Administration, points out that other innovative industries often sell new products at a loss, and recoup their investments later.
One way is to sell some rotten stocks at a loss, running up a capital loss deduction that can be netted against the Treasury profit.
Usually clubs will try to sell them, even at a loss.
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Finally, look at prices at wholesale clubs and grocery stores, which sometimes sell gas at cost or even at a loss to attract customers into the store.
The couple had to sell their brand new house, at a loss, and relocate.
Nokia is currently operating at a loss and the sell side expects the company to become profitable, somewhere in 2014.
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However, it may be impossible for Microsoft to sell the device at any low price point without taking a loss.
That said, many farmers previously with Dairy Farmers of Britain have managed to find other places to sell their milk - even if it is at a slight loss.
He would sell assets (mostly in the label business and many at a loss) to pare debt and fold 11 envelope plants, laying off 1, 500 workers.
Refiners must sell 40% of their output to the public distribution system at a loss.
Rather, the US government will sell it, at a discount (what you and I might call a loss), to ethanol producers.
You don't want to force your spouse and heirs to sell all or some of the properties they'll inherit, possibly at a loss, because they can't pay the mortgages, taxes and maintenance costs.
Wednesday's match at Hampden is unlikely to be a sell-out and the SFA could make a loss.
At the time of the IPO, Treasury officials and banks underwriting the deal believed the price would climb through the winter, enabling the government to sell most or all of its remaining stake within weeks of the lifting of the sales restriction at a narrower loss to taxpayers, the people familiar said.
For investors who have gains they want to offset, Greg Ghodsi, head of the 360 Wealth Management Group at Raymond James, says investors could take their stock that had a loss this year, sell it and then put the proceeds into an exchange-traded fund.