Kent Conrad, the Senate Budget Committee chairman, expressed "regret" that Portman is departing OMB.
"It's obvious he tries very hard to understand our side, " says Pete Domenici, the Senate Budget Committee chairman.
S. I actually shared this exact same data when testifying to the Senate Budget Committee earlier this year.
They are not going to face cuts in an election year, said a top Senate Budget Committee staff aide.
North Dakota Senator Kent Conrad, chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, proposed a stripped-down version of Simpson-Bowles on Fox News Sunday.
It was also encouraging that Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-ND) appeared willing to concede to very large cuts in spending.
Kent Conrad (D-ND), who is chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, said he would be voting for the overall plan.
FORBES: Limited Mortgage, Charitable Tax Breaks Preserved In Deficit Panel Proposal
The "agreement in principle, " as Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad, D-N.
In an appearance before the Senate Budget Committee today, Frank J.
Senator Sessions, the ranking Republican on the Senate Budget Committee, had reason to be comfortable in seeking to make some big-time news before the GAO report had been made available.
In response, Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad, D-N.
FORBES: Don't Like The Deficit Projection? Blame The Tax Compromise.
Pete Domenici, R-New Mexico, the ranking Republican on the Senate Budget Committee, discussed the new surplus projection expected out this summer, and how it will affect the budget debate of the fall.
This past summer the Senate Budget Committee, which is run by Democrats, reported that 26.5% of all tax deductions and credits are taken by those with incomes in the top 1% on the wealth scale.
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke told the Senate Budget Committee the economic recovery is likely to be "moderately stronger" in 2011 than it was in 2010, but still insufficient to reduce the rate of unemployment significantly.
Secretary of State Colin Powell, testifying before the Senate Budget Committee this morning, told Senators that the tape demonstrated this nexus between terrorists and states that are developing weapons of mass destruction can no longer be looked away from and ignored.
Senate Budget Committee Chairman Pete Domenici described as "excellent" a Thursday breakfast meeting between he, White House Chief of Staff Leon Panetta, and House Budget Committee Chairman John Kasich. ( 41K AIFF sound or 41K WAV sound) Domenici said some progress had been made, and after the meeting, the three negotiators announced Friday's face-to-face session between Clinton and the Republican leadership.
CNN: Budget impasse continues amid mix of pessimism and hope
The bill is expected to be introduced this year into the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee, which next meets on Thursday.
On the Senate side, Budget Committee Chairwoman Patty Murray made her own joking reference to the papal decision as the panel began considering the first full Democratic spending plan in recent years.
The head of the Senate's budget committee, Pete Domenici, proposed a bill that would have made it impossible to spend the Social Security surpluses on the rest of the budget (he called this the Social Security lock-box).
The top Senate Republican on the Budget Committee says as part of a deal to raise the debt ceiling the Senate should be forced to pass a budget.
Some Senate Democrats, including Budget Committee Chair Patty Murray (D-WA), are said to favor such a plan.
FORBES: Taxes and Paul Ryan's Budget: What's Clear, And What Isn't
So far this year, he's appeared before the Senate Banking Committee and the House Budget Committee for routine hearings.
Chairman Pete Domenici of New Mexico got the Budget Committee in the Republican-controlled Senate to approve the plan on a partisan 11-to-9 vote.
The top agenda item for the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee hearing was to discuss how a budget would be developed and implemented under an improved system of intelligence coordination between civilian and military sectors.
CNN: Lawmakers hold closed talks about intelligence overhaul
The top Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee said Sunday those prospects could even foster a budget agreement.
CNN: White House and Congress set to battle over budget and Bosnia
In 1977, a Senate committee hastily approved Bert Lance as former President Jimmy Carter's budget director.