The Illinois senator offered a similar line of attack on foreign policy, energy policy and health care.
If Kennedy wants to be New York's junior senator, she should stand in line and run for office in 2010.
And of course Senator Obama picked up on this line of thought, saying you're making it out like all of my supporters have been duped or fooled or don't know who I am and don't know my background.
"The president of the United States said that if Bashar Assad used chemical weapons that it would be a game changer, that it would cross a red line, " the Arizona senator said.
After the senator's speech, delegates stood in line and waited to be let into a room where they could sign up as Obama volunteers.
The senator said the fees would bring Jersey into line with other areas and would meet the cost of administering migrant controls.
Arizona's other Republican Senator, Jon Kyl, takes a hard-line view in support of the president.
Home Affairs Minister Senator Ian Le Marquand said there was currently no clear line of political responsibility.
In fact, according to Senator John McCain of Arizona, who stoutly defends the line-item veto, Mr Clinton's use of it has been mild, even disappointing.
Mitt Romney has taken a tough line, refusing to back a plan by Florida Senator Marco Rubio to deal with illegal immigration.
Senator Mattingly has introduced a bill permitting a 2-year trial run of the line-item veto.
And after months of bipartisan work, Senator Chris Dodd and his committee have offered a strong foundation for reform, in line with the proposal I previously laid out, and in line with the reform bill passed by the House.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Time for Action on Financial Reform for the Economy | The White House
And I told him how much I appreciated the work he had done and that there was a direct line between that trip that we took together when I was a first-year senator and the results of the vote today on the floor.
WHITEHOUSE: Presidential Press Conference on a Historic Congressional Session | The White House
Still, fears of the Delaware senator being overly aggressive never came to fruition and certainly did not hurt him when it came down to the bottom line: who won the debate.
CNN: Analysis: Palin gets back on track, but Biden wins debate