In the not too distant future, he thinks, so many people will have the power to send signals into space that it will not be possible to control intergalactic messaging.
ECONOMIST: An argument over whether to send messages to aliens
Where things have become difficult is over whether or not researchers should be allowed to send signals into space pre-emptively, in order to attract the attention of any alien listeners who might be out there.
ECONOMIST: An argument over whether to send messages to aliens
Monday's reported launch of the monkey -- who was kept in a "completely sealed" capsule that produces oxygen and absorbs carbon dioxide, with his vital signs recorded throughout the flight -- is part of a larger effort to someday send humans into space, said Iranian Space Agency Director Hamid Fazeli.
From a small island in the Pacific, SpaceX managed to send a rocket into space.
Last year it failed in an attempt to send a satellite into space aboard a long-range rocket.
President Ahmadinejad announced in 2011 that the country planned to send a man into space by 2019.
" Or read about humankind's other attempts to send messages into outer space in "How To Talk To Aliens.
In the book he examines the complex process of deciding when it is safe enough to send human beings into space.
This plan extended the space shuttle program, put in place a robust commercial space initiative and has put us on track to send American astronauts further into space than ever before.
FORBES: NASA, Got Space Exploration? Get Goals, Get Funding and Get Uhura.
It's not the miniature robotic space shuttle that NASA's planning to send into orbit this month, but another of the space agency's unmanned vehicles has edged closer to its beginning its mission, with the "nearly autonomous" Global Hawk aircraft having completed a key test flight bright and early on April 2nd.
ENGADGET: NASA's unmanned Global Hawk completes key test flight
You check my numbers and discover a mistake: my trajectory will instead send the astronaut hurtling into outer space.
The regulations will apply specifically to reusable suborbital rockets, the kind that space adventure companies such as Virgin Galactic will use to send people for a thrill ride into outer space.
At the Newspace conference he showed some even more compact satellite platforms including an idea of matchbook sized satellites called moonbeams which could be launched for far less than conventional satellites and allow almost anybody to design and send an experiment or other package into space.
There have been proposals to send mirrors, sunshades, and parasols into space.
This will be awarded to the first successful private effort to send a craft capable of taking three people into space twice in two weeks.
The new project will send a strain of bacteria called Bacillus Subtilis into space to see if introducing different nutrients or compounds in the microgravity environment could block its growth.
However, what I still could do was work on the Space Shuttle program as a scientist where my work developing food for astronauts involved a project to send the first can of Coca-Cola into outer space.
Solar storms are violent eruptions on the sun that send a wave of charged particles, called plasma, into space at the speed of more than one million miles per hour.
MSN: Solar storms sparked by giant 'magnetic rope,' study finds
Any nation willing to send the products of the best minds of a generation and a significant portion of its GNP hurling into space to blast a ball of ice three miles across will be treated very carefully by its neighbours.
Injecting sulphate particles into the stratosphere, for instance, would cool the Earth by reflecting more sunlight into space. (Nature has already shown that this concept can work, since volcanic eruptions that send sulphur-rich plumes into the stratosphere can temporarily alter the world's climate.) However, Dr Lenton notes that the method becomes less effective as the atmosphere becomes more saturated with particles.