The result was enough to send Australia back to the top of the ODI world rankings in place of South Africa.
It has the power to reinvestigate a case and send it back to the Court of Appeal.
Maybe the exuberance of all these young people wore off on us, but we too did something rash: we handed out dozens of disposable cameras to Tokyo teens and told them to send us back pictures of what's important in their lives.
MIAMI, Florida (CNN) -- The U.S. Coast Guard said Thursday it has picked up more than 500 Haitians attempting to flee their troubled island home by sea and will send most of them back to Haiti, where a spreading rebellion has stoked fears of a new wave of refugees.
Many companies are thinking to send back to Japan dependent family members of their Japanese managers.
Today, Google announced a new plan to send some of those advertisers back to the printed page.
We saw demonstrations of grip "shortcuts" to send you back to the homescreen, while holding certain portions of the sides would launched pre-assigned apps -- pinching at the top of this device launched the internet browser.
Italy's highest court decided to reject the acquittal in its entirety and send the case back to a panel of appellate judges to reconsider.
CNN: Analysis: Amanda Knox case is complicated, confusing mess
You were supposed to send in 16 shares of TCI to get back just one share of Liberty.
Do you send them back to the country of origin before they can apply for any kind of a permanent work visa?
Italy's decision to send back to Delhi for trial two marines accused of murdering two Indian fishermen is being described by many in India as a triumph for its diplomacy.
McCaw was on hand to gather, but was engulfed in chasers and Wales again ripped back possession to send a series of thrusts into the 22.
The trial resumed on Wednesday but was twice adjourned as Judge Sergei Blinov withdrew to consider requests by the defence to send the case back to prosecutors, citing a lack of specifics and inconsistencies.
Retailers have to send back one in three of all magazines, which are then wastefully pulped.
Migrant workers in the Gulf states and elsewhere use this trust-based system to send billions of dollars back home, winning on both efficiency and cost.
ECONOMIST: A worldwide attempt to stop finance for terrorists
Linksys Smart Wi-Fi Routers with Beamforming technology will precisely adjust, steer and monitor the direction and shape of the Wi-Fi signals in order to send data back and forth over the optimal path, resulting in up to two times the speed of routers without this technology in place.
To help assess the risk, the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency will send some of its inspectors back to Iraq.
Whether it's the standard "I wish u were here" text message or a more personalized and animated video message in front of some spectacular international landmark, being able to send a message from around the world to loved ones back home is definitely one of the perks of mobile technology.
But if a rover on the Martian surface wants to send a file back to earth, this is an inefficient way of doing it.
ECONOMIST: An interplanetary Internet: The wire of the worlds | The
The remotest hint of liver or heart toxicity in just a few patients among thousands is enough to send a drug back for several more years of testing.
While police try to send the migrants back, officials from other branches of Mexico's government patrol the border to help advise the migrants of their human rights as they pass through the country.
The ruling challenges the Dublin II Regulation, used by many EU countries to send asylum seekers back to Greece, despite the country's backlog of cases.
While rumors still circulate regarding the potential casting of the series, word that Disney has secured the talent of the writer of what is widely regarded as the best Star Wars film to date (The Empire Strikes Back) is sure to send fans into a frenzy of excitement.
The Web admin can decide to send a text message back to the sender to verify the information, send out a blast alert to large numbers of people or post the information onto a Web page with location information from Google Maps (or do all three).
Romney doing back-to-back events at NCLR and NAACP would send a powerful message of inclusiveness that would be noticed beyond those two communities.
Over-payment fraud, the victim receives an invalid monetary instrument with instructions to deposit it in a bank account and send excess funds or a percentage of the deposited money back to the sender.
The Americans were reluctant to send him back to Venezuela to face trial for corruption, but after five years of court battles he was surrendered, the first time a former ruler of a foreign country had been extradited from the United States.
India accepted Pakistan's request to send the body of the soldier back "with full honor, " he said.
"They should send the money back to their investors or think of a new idea, " he recommends.
The television pictures on board were designed to begin operating when the rocket came within 2, 500 miles (4, 023km) of the lunar surface - 40 minutes before impact - and then send an image of the Moon back to Earth every 13 seconds.