Senior Research Fellow at the London College of Fashion, Dr. Frances Geesin has worked on researching conductive fabrics.
Alan Trench Honorary senior research fellow at the University College London later gave his evidence on the Scotland Bill.
Senior research fellow Guy Lodge said the Barnett formula was no longer "fit for purpose" and should be replaced.
Ed Haislmaier, a senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, in Washington, D.
WSJ: What Should States Do About Health Law's Medicaid Expansion?
For Molnar, who is now a senior research fellow at Central European University, the experience still smarts, eight years on.
Has been professor of Education and Senior Research Fellow at Kenyatta University.
Alan Trench Honorary senior research fellow at the University College London finished off the evidence session by giving evidence on the Scotland Bill.
He has been a senior research fellow at Columbia since 2005 and is an Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Informatics at Columbia's medical school.
Mr. Blahous is a senior research fellow at George Mason University's Mercatus Center and a public trustee of the Social Security and Medicare programs.
WSJ: Blahous and Capretta: Exposing the Medicare Double Count
Now a senior research fellow at the University of Exeter Business School, he has been a forceful critic of the government's health service reforms.
Speaking to Today business presenter Simon Jack, Dr Stephen Godwin, senior research fellow at the Planning Shop International, said that these were very serious charges.
David John, a senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, says he believes the Schumer-Bloomberg report was a catalyst to this week's discussions.
Daniel L. Bennett is a Doctoral Fellow in Economics at Florida State University and a Senior Research Fellow at the Center for College Affordability and Productivity.
Jon Entine is director of the Genetic Literacy Project and senior research fellow at STATS and the Center for Health and Risk Communications at George Mason University.
FORBES: Why Climate Change Legislation Is Turning Corporate America Green
"People who exercise more have better brain health, " said Alan Gow, one of the study's researchers and a senior research fellow at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland.
WSJ: Exercise Might Beat Puzzles for Protecting the Aging Brain
"Croatia depends about 20%, directly or indirectly, on tourism, " Will Bartlett, a senior research fellow in the political economy of South East Europe at the LSE, told CNN.
James Carafano, a senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, said it is a good idea to increase the number of aviation security officials with access to intelligence.
CNN: 10,000 airport security workers to get higher clearances
Alberto Alesina is a professor of political economy at Harvard University, and Veronique de Rugy is a senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.
FORBES: There Is Good And Bad Austerity, And Italy Chose Bad
And Jane Kinninmont, a Bahrain expert and senior research fellow at London's Chatham House, has argued that it is not just freedom of association that is under threat.
Ms. Vijayaraghavan is a senior research fellow at Innosight Institute.
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Pozen is chairman emeritus of MFS Investment Management and also serves as a senior lecturer at the Harvard Business School and a senior research fellow at the Brookings Institution.
FORBES: Heretic Reality: Mortgage Interest Deduction Needs To Be Slashed
"Any battleground is an extremely toxic environment, " said Jean Pascal Zanders, a senior research fellow at the European Union Institute for Security Studies, who specializes in chemical and biological armament.
Professor Bob Morris, honorary senior research fellow at University College London's Constitution Unit, says it could actually be easier to abolish hereditary peers in the Lords than make changes to male primogeniture.
Ford Hickson, a senior research fellow with the University of Portsmouth's Sigma Research unit, says HIV prevention over the past 20 years has taken a singular route - safe sex, and reducing exposure .
"Out of the whole list of things that the government can subsidize, subsidies for this are pretty near the bottom of the list, " says James Gattuso, a senior research fellow in regulatory policy at the Heritage Foundation.
David John, a senior research fellow at the conservative-leaning Heritage Foundation in Washington, says it "would be a grave mistake" to assume that these political donations means bank regulation will be meted out with a light touch.
But skeptics remain doubtful about similar claims, calling some charlatans and others well-intentioned people who are merely delusional, according to Joe Nickell, a senior research fellow for the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal.
CNN: Visions of death: Can psychics 'see' what detectives cannot?
David Berman, a senior research fellow at Arizona State University's Morrison Institute for Public Policy, said some will likely disapprove of a recall so soon after the November general election, making the prospect of ousting Arpaio a long shot.
Lisa Curtis, a senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, was recently quoted by a news magazine saying if the deal fell through because of India's domestic politics, it would be a setback for India's goals of increasing its global stature and influence.
Jean Pascal Zanders, a chemical weapons expert and a senior research fellow for the European Union Institute for Security Studies, cast doubt on the use of chlorine, saying in an e-mail that one small rocket couldn't deliver the quantity needed to kill 25 people.