Hong Won Tak, senior secretary for national security affairs, maintained the incident would not change the country's "sunshine" policy of seeking to engage North Korea or to cultivate business relations with it.
The new administration in Seoul also wants to help improve agriculture in the North by supplying seeds, fertiliser and specialists, says Lim Dong Won, the president's senior secretary for foreign policy and security.
Jane Dickinson, Senior Personal secretary, Department for Education and Employment.
Local media reported that Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Information, Communication and the Arts, Yatiman Yusof, had said the local Muslim community did not want to be associated with those detained.
Abedin, a senior aide to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, is traveling with her in Africa and is scheduled to return early Thursday.
CNN: Weiner to seek treatment amid growing pressure to resign
But a number of senior Tories including Education Secretary Michael Gove, London Mayor Boris Johnson and former Prime Minister John Major have backed same-sex marriage by religious bodies.
The home secretary and senior police officers believe this has fuelled the 11% rise in violent incidents shown in the latest figures despite an overall drop in crime.
And we issued yesterday a statement of administration policy that said if the projects that the Secretary of Defense had outlined to the President were included in appropriations bills, then, upon the advice of the Secretary and senior advisors in the White House, those bills would be sent back, as I think Peter Orszag testified today.
The Welsh Assembly Government's most senior civil servant, Permanent Secretary Dame Gillian Morgan, also gave evidence.
The case has led to a senior QC investigating if the secretary of state misled the High Court.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Victims' appointment not quashed
At the Public Accounts Committee there's a hearing (at 3.15pm) on reforming the Ministry of Defence, with evidence from Ursula Brennan, the Permanent Under-Secretary, and senior MoD mandarins.
Tonight on Decision Time on BBC Radio 4 I chair a discussion with a tabloid editor, the former chairman of the Press Complaints Commission, a campaigner for Hacked Off, a former Culture Secretary and a senior mandarin.
When I took this post, the first and best decision I made was to retain every single senior official I inherited from Secretary Rumsfeld, including his personal front office staff, most of whom have been with me to this day.
WHITEHOUSE: Armed Services Farewell Tribute for Secretary Gates
Lord Jones' period as a minister proved colourful and at times controversial and Jonathan Baume, general secretary of the senior civil servants' union the FDA, said he was "disappointed but not surprised" at the latest comments given the ex-minister's "traditionally maverick approach".
From 1998-2000, Roubini served as the senior economist for International Affairs at the White House Council of Economic Advisors and then the senior advisor to the under secretary for international affairs at the U.S. Treasury Department, helping to resolve the Asian and global financial crises among other issues.
But two other senior Conservatives - Northern Ireland Secretary Owen Patterson and Mayor of London Boris Johnson - also suggested there might have to be a referendum, if a new eurozone bloc was created, or the UK was asked to sign up to a new EU treaty involving all 27 member states.
The view of another senior Treasury official, Under Secretary David Mulford, (expressed on the record at the London Economic Summit) to the effect that a currency stabilization fund for the Soviet Union would not be possible for at least 2-3 years -- a period of sufficient duration to permit structural reforms to precede ruble convertibility, will probably go by the boards within 6-9 months.
In my first five years as Secretary-General, I have nearly doubled the number of women in senior UN positions, at the rank of Assistant Secretary-General and Under-Secretary-General.
Labour MP Nick Raynsford said that when Mr Coulson was still working at Downing Street, the cabinet secretary had been alerted to evidence of illegal phone hacking, covert surveillance and hostile media briefing against a senior government official - a claim the cabinet secretary denied.
The role of the cabinet secretary, the most senior civil servant, has also changed.
The two reports were compiled by a senior review panel selected by Army Secretary Togo West and the Army's Inspector General's office.
The defence secretary was the most senior American official to visit the port since the Vietnam war, when it was the site of a large American base.
And, in the last few days, there have been reports that the government's most senior civil servant, the Cabinet Secretary Sir Jeremy Heywood, is "sceptical" about Universal Credit.
Two senior Obama administration officials -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Vice President Joe Biden -- have visited Lebanon in recent months, signaling concerns with a possible Hezbollah victory.
Several high-profile high-tech CEOs recently met with senior White House staff members and Commerce Secretary Bob Evans.
The education secretary has called on a senior college official to resign after a private conversation between them was secretly recorded.
Proposing that a senior executive pay the same as his secretary for health insurance is, he argues, a recipe for electoral defeat.
She was also a deputy chairwoman of the National Association of Police Authorities and advised the home secretary on the appointment of senior officers.
Several have been thinking of leaving, including senior policy adviser Rahm Emanuel, press secretary Mike McCurry, counselor Doug Sosnik, and legislative affairs director John Hilley.
Senior Tories, including the former defence secretary Liam Fox, have accused the Lib Dems of sidetracking the government over Lords reform and have urged Mr Cameron to assert his authority on key issues like the economy, Europe and welfare.