John McCain is the presumptive Republican nominee, but the Democrats are still deciding between Sens.
Should he run for president, Walker would face a field of challengers that could include Sens.
If Leahy were to offer a gay marriage amendment, attention would turn to Sens.
Support for the measure had ebbed over the week, with late-emerging opposition from Republican Sens.
These letters (copies of which are attached) have prompted contemptuous responses from both Sens.
The bipartisan U.S. Commission on National Security in the 21st Century is headed by former Sens.
On Wednesday, senators voted 55-45 to kill what critics called a deal-busting amendment from Sens.
One that may have a good shot at getting through is backed by Sens.
We need the Startup Act 2.0 (S. 3217), bipartisan legislation introduced by Sens.
McCain's stance on carbon emissions places him closer on the environmental spectrum to Sens.
That laissez-faire attitude drew a sharp contrast with a bill introduced the month before by Sens.
Along with Cruz, Rubio and McConnell, other Republicans who joined Paul on the floor included Sens.
Ginsberg pointed out that Illinois and New York had one senator attending sessions when then-Sens.
In light of this development, the Center finds particularly commendable recent statements made by Sens.
The Democratic race for the January 3 caucus remains a three-way dead heat between Sens.
Among the senators who asked Social Security to turn off the Web site were Sens.
McCain's stance on carbon emissions places him closer on the environmental spectrum to the Democratic candidates, Sens.
Clinton has repeatedly emphasized her political experience and sophistication to distance herself from her nearest rivals, Sens.
But other Democrats up for re-election in 2012 could feel pressure from such a vote, including Sens.
Lawmakers from both parties added to the cost of the bill, none more so than Mississippi Republican Sens.
They were retaliating for the threatened gutting of the Global Protection Against Limited Strikes (GPALS) proposed by Sens.
Go back a few years, though, and find this roster of federal corruption cases from 2009 to 2011: Sens.
By contrast, it has fallen to Mr. Cheney to convey to Republican Sens.
Orrin Hatch of Utah and Marco Rubio of Florida and Democratic Sens.
The Arizona senator is attempting to win over low-income voters and divert blunt criticism from his Democratic rivals, Sens.
Forty-nine senators have co-sponsored the bill, including all 45 Democrats and Republican Sens.
During his stay, the 46-year-old activist was visited by numerous politicians, including Sens.
There may be no better example of the challenges facing the Democratic Party than in Colorado, which boasts both U.S. Sens.
Had they just remained where they were, their delegates may have made the difference in this close presidential race between Sens.