• Bluntly put, he believes Americans are losing their once-sharp sense of right and wrong.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • They may be a type 1, organized and ethical, with a strong sense of right and wrong.


  • Now, our European cousins might not understand us because they've lost their clear sense of right and wrong.

    BBC: NEWS | Have Your Say | Why did you vote for Bush?

  • The moral, then, is that people's sense of right and wrong influences the way they feel and behave.

    ECONOMIST: Morality

  • We have in America a fundamental sense of right and wrong, which is why these scandals are so appalling.

    FORBES: How to Secure Our Skies

  • That does not require a radical rewriting of the rules, but a more humdrum sense of right and wrong.

    ECONOMIST: Political party funding

  • "I have decided that my oaths of secrecy must give way to my sense of right and wrong, " he told WorldNetDaily.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Mr Simpson said that his father "had a strong sense of right and wrong and pursued his morals through his actions at all times".

    BBC: Jamie Simpson pays tribute to murdered father James

  • "He epitomised the qualities of a Fijian Kingsman - strong yet gentle, compassionate, principled and honourable, and with a real sense of right and wrong, " the commanding officer said.

    BBC: UK soldiers shot dead 'from same Fijian town'

  • Category 1 is a sense of right and wrong.

    NEWYORKER: A Dirty Business

  • "I have acted in a way that violated the obligations to my family and that violates my--or any--sense of right and wrong, " Spitzer tersely told reporters gathered outside of his Manhattan office Monday.

    FORBES: Notorious, But Not Out--Yet

  • Mr Miliband told BBC Radio 4's Today programme the breakdown in social order that occurred this week showed many people had lost their sense of right and wrong and there was a "me first" culture.

    BBC: Riots: Miliband blames 'me first' culture

  • Lisa Endlich Heffernan, mother of three sons who are now 17, 20 and 21, says she tried to instill a sense of right and wrong by teaching them starting in elementary school that cheating was like lying.

    WSJ: Why More Young Kids Cheat at School

  • Fleming and co-writer Tiffany Paulsen has set the story firmly in 2007, but their Nancy Drew is an anachronism who dresses in tweedy skirts, preppy knits and penny-loafers, and whose prim sense of right and wrong (she drinks milk and knows CPR) quickly marks her as a social outcast when she moves from provincial Riverside Heights to a new school, Hollywood High.

    CNN: Review: 'Nancy Drew' true but slight

  • "The government recognises that religious education has a distinctive and unique contribution to play in teaching children about the beliefs and values underpinning our understanding of ourselves and what is right and wrong, our sense of belonging and respect for each other, " she said.

    BBC: Religion pulls in GCSE students

  • Unlike too many politicians today, she had a visceral sense of politics and of right and wrong.

    WSJ: Andrew Roberts: The Genius of Thatcherism Will Endure

  • The plan outlines specific, common-sense steps we can take right now to help keep guns out of the wrong hands, ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, make our schools safer, and increase access to mental health services.

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