Here, all sense of time quickly recedes, and the menu varies according to the catch of the day.
People in the zone lose their sense of time and of themselves.
Something happens to your sense of time here: It compresses like the crystals of blue ice, then falls away like a calving glacier.
His work would later take a more abstract turn, shimmering, like jewel boxes, and a little blurred, with a distorted sense of time and place and with mysterious, lonely figures.
This kind of urgency carries over to fiction, where a ticking clock a sense of time running out can make the pages seem to snap by with the speed of a second hand.
WSJ: Word Craft: Benjamin Percy, Author of Red Moon, on the Ticking Clock
The silence of the desert has its uses for the mystic, but what she experienced as a writer was that it destroys not only the sense of self, but also the foundation of narrative art a sense of time and memory.
Most of us know the reasons: It helps us regain a sense of control, it shakes up our sense of time in a good way, it acts as a kind of therapy, promoting flexible and imaginative thinking and stimulating new ideas, and it can expand our cultural horizons.
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With such disruptive devices as intercutting color and black-and-white footage, parodying silent-film antics, and inserting scenes of youths dancing the twist, Pasolini both affirms the classical grandeur of cinematic modernism and conveys his sense of a time out of joint.
Dower is equally good at evoking the sense of the time, and examining how Japanese popular culture reflected the hurt and the overwhelming sense of having been grossly misled by their rulers in a surprisingly rich outpouring of contemporary memoirs, books, cartoons, films and other media.
"There are people who will be looking for an opportunity on Tuesday and they'll be given the chance to make sure their time here has been valuable in the sense of getting time on the pitch".
Demand Side Platforms (DSPs) like DataXu came along to help advertisers make sense of multiple real time bidding opportunities in new ad exchanges.
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What results most of the time is a sense of freedom, an airy lyricism that's never weighed down by the notion that careers or record sales hang in the balance.
"Part of what makes this compelling is not so much reading every tweet but just getting a real-time sense of how fast this is moving, " he said.
So the classic Kleiner venture paradoxically has more ambition in a shorter amount of time and a greater sense of urgency, which we share.
My sense at the time of the interview was that he was 85% ready to go the cloud route.
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When asked about our favourite places, we mostly come up with places rich in history - pre-automobile cities with charm and the texture, patina, and sense of memory bestowed by time.
The challenge is to make sense of the data in time to matter, to understand how consumer attitudes and behavior are changing and how they are being changed by marketing and advertising efforts.
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Being ignored is minor compared to the hostility and emotional abuse many other stepmothers experience, but my sense of failure grew each time I tried to grow closer to my stepdaughter and was rebuffed.
The effort initially mapped reports of violence in Kenya during the post-election fallout in 2008 and has now been used by thousands of people in countries worldwide for making sense of complex real-time data being generated across multiple platforms.
Indeed, what is the down-to-the-millisecond precision of digital time against this beautiful, whole sense of the day moving imperceptibly across the world, as if in a hush.
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Considering that Iron Man is the best selling Blu-ray Disc of all time, it makes sense that there are countless reviews of it out on the web.
They can be symbolic and inspirational, and bring some sense of normalcy during a disruptive time.
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She had the greatest sense of humor and loved spending time with others.
"It is very difficult to generate understanding and a sense of chronology in such abbreviated time periods, " says the report.
They are developing software to help grid managers make sense of all that real-time data, and even to forecast problems before they occur.
There was a tangible sense of relief at full-time at the Emirates after Fabregas, not for the first time, provided the spark that rescued the north Londoners from a tight spot.
Being part of a group is a terrific way to make new friends, deepen existing friendships, have fun, create a sense of belonging, and spend time thinking about a subject that interests you.
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