The light-sensitive area on each CCD detector measures 45.0mm by 59.0mm, encompassing 1, 966 pixels by 4, 500 pixels.
"It's obviously an important and sensitive area and one we have to look at very carefully, " he said.
Last month's discovery occurred along the Columbia River corridor, Hanford's most sensitive area.
They require some serious bezel, but the pen-sensitive area is still much larger than the Intuos5, which outwardly has the same dimensions.
ENGADGET: Wacom Cintiq 13HD graphics display hands-on (video)
Officials, and some politicians, have already discreetly canvassed possibilities for the two parties to share control in the ultra-sensitive area of policing.
The problem has its roots in the sensitive area around Brussels where the French-speaking Walloons and the Dutch-speaking Flemings live side by side.
ECONOMIST: Rows over who should speak in which tongue have got worse
Labour's shadow justice secretary Sadiq Khan said this was a "complex and sensitive area of policy" in which the government had been "sloppy".
Forbes talked to Newsom on Saturday about how, at a time when so many American cities are chasing Chinese investment, San Francisco pulled in those businesses, and why Chinese investment in the U.S. energy industry, a sensitive area where only five years ago the proposed purchase of Unocal (now part of Chevron) by Chinese state-run Cnooc ran into political turbulence, is now seemingly more welcomed.
Residents in the area objected to the size and scale of the project in such a sensitive historical area of town.
There is a risk that the Franco-German relationship, far from uniting Europe, may end up dividing it and in the most sensitive possible area, the formation of military alliances.
So sensitive is this area that successive US Presidents have been assured by Israeli governments that construction would not proceed there.
Although the most prevalent environmental debate centered on potential pipeline leaks that might endanger the sensitive Ogallala aquifer area in Nebraska and other states along the route, it is clear that a primary opposition goal for many is not to simply to reroute the pipeline, but rather to discourage and handicap oil use altogether.
FORBES: Obama's Keystone Rejection May Provide A Buffett Bonanza
"That means sanctions in the area of energy and other sensitive areas, such as the financial area, " she added.
He called for "beautiful" housing that was sensitive to its local area.
"In every other area of sensitive information, " he added, "there is enormous deference to the security services and the police in terms of protecting sensitive information... and flexibility in that judges can determine whether certain evidence should be disclosed".
Hess and Occidental Petroleum are the most sensitive to oil prices in his coverage area.
In August it entered the hot area of molecular diagnostics, highly sensitive tests to detect infectious diseases and cancer.
In August it moved into the hot area of molecular diagnostics, highly sensitive tests to detect infectious diseases and cancer.
Such incidents may make foreign firms think twice before involving themselves in a business in any area potentially deemed 'strategic' or 'sensitive.
What makes the business unique, Winebaum says, is a tool that lets price-sensitive users compare the rates that member dentists in their area charge for common procedures.
FORBES: What's More Important: A Wildly Original Business Model--Or Smart Marketing?
Heatley, the ecologist, said that "not one" of the energy companies drilling in the area has a long-term restoration plan for sensitive deep-forest environments, and that permits usually require only minimal restoration, such as planting grasses.
We understand the concern -- the concern about fisheries area, the concern about other commercial activities that happen near sensitive environmental areas are involved.
When federal agents made a search of his work area they found a list of the FBI's most sensitive telephone numbers, including the Bureau's "black" lines used for wiretapping.
Most recently in the Peruvian Amazonas area of Bagua, a group of local indigenous residents rebelled against the presence of foreign companies in the area, despite the fact that President Alan Garcia tried to be sensitive to their needs.
"While every person and item must be screened before entering the secure boarding area, TSA works with passengers to resolve security alarms in a respectful and sensitive manner, " the federal agency said.
FORBES: 95-Year-Old Woman Forced to Remove Adult Diaper by TSA Agents