Mr. FATSIS: Yeah, Upshaw's death comes at a very sensitive time in player-owner relations in football.
The claims come at a sensitive time for President Sarkozy as he seeks re-election in a second-round vote.
Words truly can't express how much we appreciate your prayers and love for our family at this sensitive time.
Mr Schmitt's resignation comes at a sensitive time for the embattled Fidesz government.
The hearing is likely to last most of the week and comes at a sensitive time for both parties.
The alleged fraud comes at a sensitive time for Poland, as an EU summit next week will focus on the 27-nation bloc's budget for 2014-2020.
The fuel arrived at a sensitive time, following the major nuclear accident at Tokaimura nuclear plant which killed one worker and exposed hundreds to radioactive fall-out.
The lawsuits come at a particularly sensitive time for Morgan Stanley and the brokerage industry which recently came through a separate pay-to-play scandal involving mutual funds.
"It is most unfortunate that during this sensitive time, someone would choose to hack into Oscar Pistorius older brother, Carl Pistorius' Twitter handle, " Hills said in a statement.
Correspondents say the notice comes at a sensitive time in Pakistani politics, as Islamabad is under increasing US pressure to eliminate the Taliban and al-Qaeda along the Afghan border.
The report comes at a sensitive time for the World Bank, which has been under attack from rightwing critics in the United States who would like to cut its funding radically.
Then, in 2004, when the Medicare job came open at a particularly politically sensitive time, he was asked to move over there to oversee implementation of the brand new prescription drug benefit.
But the change of name comes at a sensitive time in Karnataka, where the government recently went a step further and threatened with closure more than 2, 000 private schools that taught in English, not Kannada, the local language.
While it is a sensitive time for US-Russian relations because of the crisis in Syria, the FSB's claims to have unearthed a CIA agent are unlikely to have any long-term political consequences, the BBC's Steve Rosenberg reports from Moscow.
This begs the basic question: When does information cease to be time sensitive?
FORBES: The Internet Age And The "Hot News" Doctrine Converge
However, savvy business leaders guide their teams with time sensitive goals that are easily measured so that they can see where the team is going.
FORBES: How to Turn an Underperforming Team into a Winning One
Compound fractures are time sensitive and need to be treated immediately with copious irrigation to thoroughly clean the site of injury, followed by stabilization of the fracture with special hardware or mechanical devices (rods or pins).
It's still a three-element UI, with a central home screen showing running applications, an app grid, and the BlackBerry hub -- a feed of time sensitive notifications from email, calendar, BBM, social apps and more.
ENGADGET: RIM reveals more details about Blackberry 10 Mobile
When we are engaged in something that requires high-quality attention, especially if it is time sensitive, we should attempt to conduct ourselves in a manner that is most appropriate for how our brains function: in focus mode.
Second, the information is time sensitive.
FORBES: The Internet Age And The "Hot News" Doctrine Converge
Is the information time sensitive?
FORBES: The Internet Age And The "Hot News" Doctrine Converge
He speculated that Twitter ads may be better for time-sensitive events rather than for awareness-building efforts.
Buying a house is still a labyrinthine process with time-sensitive signatures, courier visits and faxes.
FORBES: Why The Cloud Hasn't Solved The Office Paperwork Problem
Click here for time-sensitive investment information from Curtis Hesler in Professional Timing Service.
Madrid said it did not need the extra time, sensitive about appearing to need outside help.
The IRS also gives affected taxpayers until Feb. 1 to perform other time-sensitive actions described in Treas.
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Whether the capture of a U.S. citizen terrorist is feasible is a fact-specific, and potentially time-sensitive, question.