She applied a vibrating massager and a bag of frozen peas to the arm of her 7-year-old son Max, then rolled over his skin a small metal wheel used by neurologists to test sensitivity.
There is inevitably a trade-off between a test's sensitivity (its ability to spot illness) and specificity (its ability to give a clean bill of health).
There is no reliable test to diagnose gluten sensitivity, according to Murray, so whatever your nutritionist ordered is not medically approved.
Such "hidden" hearing loss, not evident in the audiogram (a test that measures hearing sensitivity), is also apparent in human listeners who experience persistent tinnitus, but otherwise normal sensitivity.
"If anyone claims they have a test that is specifically for gluten sensitivity, there is no such thing, though I'm not ruling it out in the future, " says Dr. Fasano.
Docs already routinely test for one inflammation-producing protein, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein.
At present, based on animal models where human breast cancer tumors are grown in animals, this test detects breast cancers with 100% specificity, high sensitivity, and good localization.
FORBES: Breast Exams: Mammography Is Not The Only Game In Town
The experts also propose a third category for "gluten sensitivity, " in which patients report the same symptoms as celiac disease but test negative for telltale antibodies.
"Personally, I think that having some threshold would give some more uniformity to the test, but pragmatically we don't want to limit the sensitivity of tests, " said Prof David Cowan from King's College London, who is in charge of anti-doping at next summer's London Olympic Games.
The MIT Sloan School of Management introduced its "competency model" in 2000, creating a four-zone grid that measures demonstrated success, such as test scores and standout work experience, and personal attributes, such as relationship-building skills and sensitivity to others.