Over the next several months, my certainty of a sentient, omnipotent and omnibenevolent deity faded steadily.
Today, however, no sentient being thinks this National Intelligence Estimate's principal finding was accurate.
It is packed with sentient articles, attractive photographs as well as a unique perspective of history and culture.
But we are thinking, independent, sentient beings, so why not just back off and let us make our own decisions?
The city has a pulse, a rhythm that makes it feel alive, awake somehow if not sentient, then at least organic.
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To which I would say, as would every other sentient being on the planet, yes, of course, all quite delightful ideas.
Can Egbert the sentient luggage master the art of trunk fu and defeat the malevolent briefcase with the glowing red eye?
As every sentient being on the planet is already aware, retailers have been offering holiday sales and discounts for more than 2 months now.
Around midday, we arrived a few hundred yards below the glacier, on what seemed like a Martian plateau gray sand, strange rocks, no evidence of sentient life.
The bottom line is, if an AI can be programmed in such a fashion, is it really sentient in the same way that humans are sentient?
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While you might think the supply of sentient readers out there is endless, it pales in comparison to the billions of web pages competing for them.
As the continent fell into a sovereign debt crisis, just as one example, they raised interest rates, not normally what you would expect sentient beings to do.
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Fully sentient robots like Kit are still a ways off, but computer programmers are starting to make serious progress in the horrendously complex art of artificial intelligence.
But these systems wouldn't be sentient or even particularly intelligent.
No sentient Jets fan, and they do exist, is going to throw on Giant blue or Patriots silver and masquerade around for three and a half hours Sunday night.
Steve serves on the board of directors of SunRun, Akiban, and Sentient Energy, and he is actively involved with eMeter, EnerNOC, and Serious Materials.
In the United States, the three national networks, once watched by almost every sentient being in the land, now split fewer than half the audience between them each night.
ECONOMIST: As the audience gets smaller, it will also get more powerful
But a spokesman for the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) said that while the organisation had concluded that fish could feel pain, in the EU, decapods were not classified as sentient species.
It is a question which must occur to any sentient traveller in the cities of the eastern Mediterranean. where great civilisations have risen, glittered brilliantly, then vanished into kingdoms of broken stone and dust.
In the far future, humans have colonized a distant planet, home to the enigmatic Ariekei, sentient beings famed for a language unique in the universe, one that only a few altered human ambassadors can speak.
At least that's what I tell myself every year about this time -- that September, October and November will make the multiplexes, and the nation's dwindling stock of independent theaters, reasonably safe for sentient adults.
We all would question the arrogance of arbitrarily presuming to assign true worth to any sentient being: indeed, who are we to question value in a Creation that we had no hand in, to put it mildly.
But if we find this proposal shocking, our reaction shows that we do not really believe that the absence of an advanced ability to reason is sufficient to justify turning a sentient being into a piece of meat.
Today, seeking kindness toward animals as well as conservation, Goodall is pressing for alternative testing methods now available and the halting of using chimpanzees as Guinea pigs, because, simply put, it inflicts unnecessary torture upon these intelligent, sentient beings.
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There is quite simply no way short of theft that one can amass wealth without saving first, so the tautological reality that says the rich tend to save explains to the mildly sentient in our midst how to grow wealthy in the first place.
Might it finally persuade the Justice Department to investigate why the sport is taken seriously by sentient adults? (I, for one, think that gambling might have something to do with it.) We also hoped that the NCAA might suspend Butler so the players could take a year off and learn to shoot.
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