Nam joined LG right out of Seoul National University, the country's best school, in 1976.
An engineering graduate of the prestigious Seoul National University, Yun joined Samsung Electronics straight out of college 35 years ago.
But the announcement made this week by Woo Suk Hwang, of Seoul National University in South Korea, and his colleagues, is serious.
Hwang apologized publicly in January 2006 after a panel of scientists from Seoul National University found he had not derived human stem cells from eggs, as he claimed.
Work on the machine was carried out by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University in the US, and Seoul National University in South Korea.
In 2004, Woo Suk Hwang, a veterinary scientist at Seoul National University, claimed to have succeeded in achieving the feat, but later admitted to faking the data.
To do so, researchers at Seoul National University injected the DNA from the 11 gene donors--males and females from the ages of 2 to 56--into 185 eggs donated by 18 women.
"Therapeutic cloning has tremendous, tremendous healing potential, but we have to open so many doors before human trials, " lead researcher Hwang Woo-suk of Seoul National University said in a telephone interview.
RNL-Bio began its cloning work in cooperation with Seoul National University in Korea, where Hwang Woo-suk, the controversial professor later found guilty of scientific fraud, produced the first cloned dog, Snuppy.
The research was conducted by Woo Suk Hwang , a professor at Seoul National University, and Gerald Schatten of the University of Pittsburgh, and the results are published in the current issue of Science.
In the final report produced on Tuesday by Seoul National University, they did indicate that Hwang was on to something with the creation of human blastocytes, early embryos, but what he had done had been quite unstable.
From almost 40% a decade ago, it fell to 27% in 2008, according to a recent paper by Soyoung Kim of Seoul National University, as well as Jong-Wha Lee and Cyn-Young Park of the Asian Development Bank.
Chang Yong-seok, senior researcher at the Institute for Peace and Unification Studies at Seoul National University, suggested that the announcement was designed to remind the South Korean public that there is an ever-present danger from the North and to shore up support for the government's North Korean policy.