Instead, it has its own ideas for bringing peace to Sudan, leaving separatism off the agenda.
On the trickiest regional issue, Basque separatism, he has played the card of national unity.
The "Tuareg question" remains unsolved, with southerners now even more hostile to Tuareg separatism.
In fact, an SNP victory would mean little for the cause of Scottish separatism.
This is why the authorities in Jakarta are so worried about separatism in Aceh.
And she blogged on modern-day politics ranging from the threat from Basque separatism to Iran's nuclear ambitions.
Whoever emerges as the public face of radical Basque separatism, Mr Antza will remain its shadowy leader.
Overall, the actions of Ms Megawati's government are stoking up the fires of separatism, not dousing them.
In Zambia any suggestion of Lozi separatism is strictly banned, though the king is allowed a ceremonial role.
They also stressed that the region must stay vigilant against separatism, terrorism and religious extremism, China Daily says.
Mr Habibie's administration has tried to discourage separatism by drawing up a new law which devolves more power to the provinces.
The armed forces, known as the TNI in Indonesia, wanted an updated legal framework to deal with separatism and unrest in various provinces.
His tough approach to separatism was codified last year in the Clarity Act, which erects big legal obstacles to any break-up of Canada.
It was Mr Trudeau's belief in a one-nation Canada, rejecting Quebec separatism, that persuaded him to give up a career as a lawyer and enter Parliament.
Regional separatism was repressed during the long dictatorship of Francisco Franco but when Spain returned to democracy, after Franco's death in 1975, its provinces were given substantial autonomy.
Instead, she seems caught up in nostalgia for the era when her father, Sukarno, was president, Indonesia was an important diplomatic power and there was no talk of separatism.
Yet the "crossover King" -- the man who never embraced black separatism or abandoned nonviolence -- is just as authentic, Rieder says, and his moral passion has inspired nonviolence activism around the globe.
Espousing separatism is illegal in Sri Lanka.
BBC: Sri Lanka arrests: Jaffna police detain 'terror' suspects
The generals' two biggest bugbears have long been Muslim fundamentalism (from which Mr Erdogan's party is now so keen to distance itself) and Kurdish separatism that might, if it grew stronger, prompt the break-up of the once-much-grander Turkish state.
ECONOMIST: Taming the generals, and knocking at Europe's door
Steven Pifer, a visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution, says divisions between Ukraine's Russian- and Ukrainian-speaking populations are not nearly as significant as the ethnic separatism that plagues Georgia, and probably couldn't be used by Russia as leverage against Ukraine's government.