Last month Nato raided two Bosnian Serb military installations, saying they were eavesdropping of the alliance's signals.
There were those who continued to admire him as a patriot, a Serb nationalist.
Taken early by Serb forces, it was the corridor that linked two pieces of Serb-held territory.
Luka in western Bosnia and to isolating a large part of the Bosnian Serb army.
By July 1st, the Serb forces were claiming to have regained control of the mine.
Shortly afterward, the rapid reaction forces on Mount Igman opened up on Serb weapons down below.
Velislav and Darko are students at the Gimnazja in the Bosnian Serb east of Sarajevo.
Serb President Slobodan Milosevic made similar assurances in meetings with Bildt Saturday, the sources said.
Without reinforcements, the Dutch were forced to stand aside while Serb troops took the town.
He did not sound like a player ready to hand the baton to the 24-year-old Serb.
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The peace plan divides Bosnia into a Serb republic and a federation of Muslims and Croats.
Other areas sustaining hits, Serb TV said, include Rakovica, a Belgrade suburb, Pozega, Uzice.
CNN: Five ethnic Albanians killed when vehicle hits land mine
When I reached the top almost to the border we were suddenly surrounded by Serb forces.
The Serb converted three of nine break points on the way to victory inside 90 minutes.
The Serb-controlled medical hospital in town, he said, is known as Simonida KBC.
It was the third attack on the Serb side of the divided town in 24 hours.
The two best known suspects are Bosnian Serb President Radovan Karadzic and his army commander, Mladic.
CNN: Bosnia talks founder as key Bosnian Serb fails to turn up
Suljic said Mladic introduced himself and promised them they were to be exchanged for Serb prisoners.
In 1993-96 he served as deputy commander for intelligence and security in the Bosnian Serb army.
It was in Kosovo, remember, that Slobodan Milosevic launched his Serb-nationalist campaign in the late 1980s.
This has reinforced fears among Serb refugees that they would risk witch-hunts if they went home.
Mr Milosevic could retaliate, for example by stirring up trouble again in Bosnia's Serb Republic.
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He has to contend with the strong if woolly pro-Serb feelings of most Greeks.
He helped forge an uneasy federation between Bosnian Muslims and Croats, to offset the Serb onslaught.
At least half the monetary transactions in the Serb-dominated parts of Bosnia are now in markas.
Nobody could doubt the sincerity of the outrage Mr Blair felt at Serb atrocities.
Serb paramilitaries are moving around, though mostly lying low, in the crescent near Pristina.
Her problem is the caution of America's Defence Department, nervous of Bosnian Serb retaliation.
But with Bosnian Serb guns less than six miles away, that mission didn't last long.