Staff Sergeant Edgar D Bledsoe, of Olive Branch, Illinois, cradles a critically ill Vietnamese infant.
First Sergeant GABRA DOBOS (U.S. Soldier): See those rocks right over there off to the left-hand side, John?
Mr. BEUTTLER: Well, the sergeant at arms is one of the elected offices of the House.
And a sergeant at arms but also the doorkeeper were there to keep order.
The platoon leader and sergeant were assigned from the company, and of course were white.
"It's like being on a roller coaster with no brakes, " said U.S. Army Sergeant Randy Whelchel.
Mrs Sergeant, from Orpington, said she remembered travelling to London for the coronation as a newly-wed.
And if the sergeant showed up, he was often greeted by a loud "Hello!"
Detective Sergeant Peter Flook, who assisted Mr Weeden, did not even know his own job description.
In 1985, Phil Silvers, American film and TV actor noted for his Sergeant Bilko character, died.
Salinas Police Department Sergeant Terry Heffington says she hasn't seen a crowd like this since then.
The suspect, a U.S. Army staff sergeant from a Stryker brigade based in Fort Lewis, Wash.
Keith Seinfeld and member station KPLU has the story of Staff Sergeant Chris Van Der Horn.
While maneuvering to engage the enemy, Staff Sergeant Miller was shot in the upper torso.
WHITEHOUSE: Medal of Honor for Staff Sergeant Robert J. Miller
Stadium manager Paul Sergeant also warned against buying tickets from touts or over the web.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South West Wales | Fans' anger at rugby ticket touts
GARCIA-NAVARRO: Sergeant Feiss has driven his whole office over with him for the opportunity.
Mr. RICK FORDER (Former Foster-care Provider of Sergeant First Class Shawn Suzch): It became his family.
The Sergeant claims (correctly) that the MySpace page was accessible to anyone viewing the Internet.
Wiggins served as Army staff sergeant in the Philippines and Japan during World War II.
Sergeant Thomas Baitinger had arrived at about the same time as Sergeant Karl Lounge.
Sergeant Lounge and Officer McDonald covered the hallway and attic opening from the living room.
As Sergeant Baitinger entered the kill zone, a hail of gunfire erupted from the attic above.
"Hey, you're going to get a five-minute, three-minute and a one-minute call, " the sergeant says.
Mr Lee was stationed at Paderborn and was a sergeant in the British Army.
Staff Sergeant AHMED (Iraqi Army): (Through translator) If you listen, you can hear the firefights.
Sergeant MOHAMMED (Iraqi Army): (Through translator) We don't know where that mortar came from.
As a young private, and then a sergeant, he served with honor, alongside his own brother.
Sergeant GILBERT ROSA (Recruiter, U.S. Army): (On the telephone) Hello, how are you doing, ma'am?
Today, the thoughts of a 33-year-old Army sergeant on foot patrol in eastern Baghdad.
NPR: A Soldier Talks About the Mission in Iraq and Why He Serves
Carleeh Mulholland, the Mortonsens' 25-year-old daughter, is married to a staff sergeant at Fort Stewart.