Mr. RICK FORDER (Former Foster-care Provider of Sergeant First Class Shawn Suzch): It became his family.
And a soldier wounded in that battle who never recovered -- Sergeant First Class Kenneth Westbrook.
Sergeant First Class Orlando Jackson from Lake Charles, Louisiana -- 3rd Infantry Division, Falcon Brigade, Task Force Light Horse.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at Commander-in-Chief Ball
And I've got some of those heroes here with us today. (Applause.) Like Army Sergeant First Class Justin Gang.
WHITEHOUSE: The President delivers Remarks at Independence Day Celebration | The White House
One of them, Sergeant First Class David Nunez, was traveling through the Afghan village of Shewan on May 29, 2008, when insurgents attacked.
And we are honored to be joined by one of the two other recipients -- Sergeant First Class Leroy Petry, who is here.
Lord, be upon us this day we all live the values and celebrate the commitment to our nation Sergeant First Class Petry has modeled.
WHITEHOUSE: Medal of Honor for Sergeant First Class Leroy Arthur Petry
"Males are going down to females' rooms and they're linking up, " Sergeant First Class Robert Swindells, a 15-year veteran, complained last summer about his teenage recruits.
Last month, I was privileged to present the parents of an American soldier, Sergeant First Class Jared Monti, with our nation's highest decoration for valor -- the Medal of Honor.
Shortly after his capture, Chaplain Kapaun, with complete disregard for his personal safety and unwavering resolve, bravely pushed aside an enemy soldier preparing to execute Sergeant First Class Herbert A. Miller.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Awards Chaplain Emil Kapaun the Medal of Honor | The White House
My name is Sergeant First Class David Wood.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at Commander-in-Chief Ball
Omar Khadr, a Canadian citizen charged with the death of Army Sergeant First Class Christopher Speer in Afghanistan by tossing a hand grenade in a July 2002 fire fight, has been controversial since his capture.
Ms. ANGELA SUZCH (Widow of Sergeant First Class Shawn Suzch): I had some health issues, and I told him, I was like maybe you can stay home for a little longer, and he looked at me, he's like no, I know you'll be okay with the baby.
The U.S. Army continued to promote Maupin, who was a private first class in the Army Reserves at the time of his capture, to sergeant and then staff sergeant as they searched for him.