Whooping cough, also known as pertussis, can be a serious illness, especially in the very young.
The Dutch goalkeeper recently returned to action following a serious illness suffered by his wife Annemarie.
Dr Scurr said those at risk were the elderly and those with serious illness.
Now, of course, the caution to all of this is that depression is a serious illness.
Hepatitis causes inflammation of the liver and can lead to serious illness and death if left untreated.
The motivation to fight is the strong desire to not suffer, and deviation often results in serious illness.
CNN: Living with Crohn's disease: 'Today I will fight again'
Expenses that follow a death or serious illness or accident will add more stress to an already devastated family.
"Flu spreads easily and can cause serious illness which would need to be treated in hospital, " said Dr Hussey.
BBC: Flu jab given at some pharmacies in Wales for first time
Diarrhoea is a major cause of death and serious illness in developing countries.
Mrs Gandhi's dismal silence spoke of her broader detachment, after being diagnosed with a serious illness in the summer.
The immediate focus during the hospitalization is to address the problem that required acute care, which is often a serious illness.
Dr. Block is co-leading a research effort to get a Serious Illness Communication Checklist put in place much more broadly.
What happens when adults who make this decision to go uninsured find their child is, God forbid, stricken with a serious illness?
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Measles can cause serious illness and can, in some cases, be fatal.
Seven percent of bills showed traces of bacteria that can cause serious illness, including Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella pneumonia, according to the study.
The statistics show that men are healthiest in the South East, where they are likely to live without serious illness for 70.3 years.
Many E.coli strains are harmless, but the more serious ones can cause serious illness, including vomiting, diarrhoea and, in severe cases, intestinal bleeding.
He continued to live comfortably in downtown Jakarta, suffering periodic bouts of serious illness that correlated, suspiciously, with spasmodic attempts to prosecute him.
Drinking E. coli-contaminated water can lead to serious illness and death.
People who have actually survived serious illness embody this concept vigorously.
The elderly, infants, and people with impaired immune systems are at heightened risk for developing a more serious illness because of salmonella, the CDC said.
It causes serious illness in some cases and unfortunately some deaths.
Lonmin, the world's third largest platinum producer, said Mr Farmer was still being treated for a "serious illness" and had decided to permanently stand down.
And let's say you have a serious illness like breast cancer.
You could convince some of the people in your town to purchase from you insurance that pays out in the event of accident or serious illness.
FORBES: The Road to Socialized Medicine Is Paved With Preexisting Conditions - Part 2
The bigger reason is Mrs Gandhi's undisclosed but serious illness, which required a month of treatment in the summer, reportedly at a New York cancer hospital.
The study said eight of the 10 most unhealthy places with high levels of serious illness, such as heart disease and obesity, were in south Wales.
The film stars octogenarian French acting greats Emmanuelle Riva and Jean-Louis Trintignant as a loving Parisian couple whose world is devastated by the wife's serious illness.
But according to the latest research, even when people do significant and regular exercise, they still increase their risks of serious illness from hours of physical inactivity.
Out of work for a year following a serious illness in 1993, Kjeld appointed a five-person management team to help him run the company when he returned.