Moran had been relaxing by the pool before the raid, Britain's Serious Organised Crime Agency said.
Operation Pentameter also involves the Home Office and the Serious Organised Crime Agency.
Cybersecurity teams from around the world were involved in the investigation, including the UK's Serious Organised Crime Agency (Soca).
Ryan Ackroyd, from South Yorkshire, admitted to being part of the group, whose targets included the NHS and the UK's Serious Organised Crime Agency (Soca).
Data from the Serious Organised Crime Agency suggests that clean guns (which have not been used) are getting more expensive, which probably means they are rarer.
Jake Davis, 18, was charged with unauthorised computer access and conspiracy to carry out a distributed denial of service attack on the Serious Organised Crime Agency's website.
The Serious Organised Crime Agency (Soca) said the network was responsible for about 6% of all cannabis shipped into the country - 51 tonnes - over the last 15 years.
The UK Serious Organised Crime agency took its website offline for several hours on 20 June after it appeared to be a victim of a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack.
The bill establishes a National Crime Agency to take over the work of bodies including the Serious Organised Crime Agency (Soca) and the UK Border Agency in combating organised and complex crime.
"In 2008, we were tasked to undertake a review by the Serious Organised Crime Agency's UK Missing Persons Bureau to review any outstanding cases of unidentified bodies and remains, " said Det Sgt Kirby.
The new agency will take over the work of bodies including the Serious Organised Crime Agency (Soca) and the UK Border Agency, and will also cover sexual abuse and exploitation of children and cyber crime.
They called for the First and Deputy First Ministers to report on protocols on national security, the Serious Organised Crime Agency, the independence of the judiciary and Public Prosecution Service, and co-operation on criminal justice.
FBI-style outfit, the Serious Organised Crime Agency.
ECONOMIST: Britain's police forces are about to have a rash of mergers
Neil Garnham QC, representing the Home Office, said departments asked for information were the Atomic Weapons Establishment, the Cabinet Office, Home Office, Foreign Office, Health Protection Agency, the Ministry of Defence, intelligence and security agencies, and the Serious Organised Crime Agency.
Stiff minimum sentences for sectarian and racist crimes, the provision of enough resources for the Serious Organised Crime Agency, sentences which reflect the seriousness of car crimes, upholding the right of Loyal Marching Orders to parade, and more funding for loyalist community festivals.
In a Commons statement on 26 July 2010, Home Secretary Theresa May claimed plans for electing police commissioners and replacing the Serious Organised Crime Agency (Soca) with a national crime-fighting force represented "the most radical reforms to policing in at least 50 years".
Assembly and Executive Review Committee chairman Jimmy Spratt told the assembly that outstanding matters included the role of the attorney general, and issues on which the Assembly and Executive Review Committee had not reached consensus including the creation of a justice sector for the North South Ministerial Council, and the Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA).
''They in turn contacted the British authorities and through some excellent inter-agency work led by Tayside Police, which also included Interpol, the Metropolitan Police and the Serious Organised Crime Agency, as well as the Scottish Crime and Drug Enforcement Agency, Strathclyde Police, the UK Border Agency and other forces, we were able to intervene and bring this young couple's nightmare to an end.
The National Crime Agency (NCA) will replace the Serious and Organised Crime Agency and UK Border Agency in investigating organised and complex crime and enhancing border security.
The group had been placed under surveillance by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and the Serious and Organised Crime Agency (SOCA).
Bob Lauder, deputy director in Scotland of the Serious and Organised Crime Agency, said any new information would be of great use to its 200 officers posted in 40 countries throughout Europe and Asia.