But, in all seriousness, this advice is diametrically opposite to the values espoused by Steve Jobs.
FORBES: Steve Jobs Showed It's Not Indulgent to Follow Your Bliss, It's Required
The regulator said that Npower's breach of the rules was "at the lower end of seriousness".
Assistance by the European Union had proved critical in lending momentum and seriousness to country-level preparations.
''Iran must act with the seriousness and sense of urgency that this moment demands.
Returning to London midweek, Mr Blair was forced to recognise the seriousness of his position.
The passage of time... in no way dilutes the seriousness of such a crime.
"We are treating the developments around police operations this afternoon with the utmost seriousness, " he said.
The seriousness with which I tried must have caused my parents no little anguish of conscience.
The seriousness of the euro-zone crisis did not interfere with that tradition this year.
FORBES: Troubling Times Ahead As Euro Politicos Finally Finish Vacations
Chairman Bernanke is a trusted economist and we should take his analysis with all due seriousness.
FORBES: CEOs Know How the Deficit Affects Jobs and the Economy
Since arriving in Cannes, I have noted a refreshing seriousness amongst those in attendance.
The number, sophistication, and seriousness of cyber-attacks on enterprise customers are shocking and ominous.
Even with the seriousness of the allegations made clear, Macomber kept his sense of fun.
Will it take a U.S. market meltdown to convince Washington of the seriousness of the situation?
Perhaps now the seriousness of their current situation will catalyze new courage and farsightedness.
What's obvious is that these Jets are about to enter a new era of seriousness.
Correspondents say the punishment has raised many questions about the seriousness of India's juvenile justice system.
The rebels, too, have fractured into about 30 groups of varying size and seriousness.
Unfortunately, the same survey showed some significant denial about the seriousness of the problem.
The road has had to be closed because of the seriousness of the accident.
"It's meant to have a workload of about 100 cases of the utmost seriousness, " he says.
Now, it is a very serious, reasonable proposal that demonstrates his seriousness about this debate.
In all seriousness, we do seem to be entering a very entrepreneurial period generally.
That speaks to the seriousness with which this administration takes what happened on Christmas.
But it has taken Western governments too long to grasp the seriousness of their jobs problem.
The federal Sentencing Guidelines take into account both the seriousness of the offense and the offender's criminal history.
So the Mali operation underlines the seriousness of France's concern over its former colony.
At the same time too much seriousness makes for dour countenances and a dispirited workforce.
UN's weapons inspectors have signally failed to convince most Arabs of the seriousness of their mission.
ECONOMIST: America��s old alliance subsides into the sand | The
BCCI's financial condition prove not misfeasance, but the Bank's open process and seriousness of purpose.