Both have recently reminded the military that their job is to serve the people.
It has been a tremendous honor to serve the people of Western New York.
And ultimately, governments are here to serve the people, not to serve those in power.
"Currencies are there to serve the people, not the other way around, " she concluded.
In this way, the Afghan government does not so much serve the people as prey on them.
Chancellor Merkel said governments must "redirect the markets so they serve the people, and not ruin them".
"I'm a servant -- God brought me to serve the people, especially the needy children, " he says.
Javanese leadership, the sultan explains, requires a king to control his own desires to serve the people.
Markets are made to serve the people and not the other way around.
It has been a huge privilege to serve the people of the diocese.
They have to be there to be seen as helping to secure to serve the people, to be partners.
We pledge to implement the highest standards of integrity -- because those in power must serve the people, not themselves.
The American taxing structure, the purpose of which was to serve the people, began instead to serve the insatiable appetite of government.
Facing deep cuts to their budgets, the best local authorities have radically rethought how they ought to serve the people who elect them.
ECONOMIST: Innovation in government: Britain��s local labs | The
Most appear to be permanently having a bad day, causing them to forget that government officials are there to serve the people (not the reverse).
I'm going to Washington to serve the people of this country.
In casting our vote, we have the unique opportunity to exercise power in the endeavor to elect the best man or woman to serve the people.
She always believed it was her destiny to serve the people of Burma, even telling her English husband-to-be Michael this on the eve of their marriage.
"Evo Morales has no candidate for the judiciary because he did not come to the presidency to steal, but to serve the people, " the president said.
BBC: Bolivia's Evo Morales faces test as voters elect judges
The Calman Commission was set up to recommend any changes to the constitutional arrangements that would enable the Scottish Parliament to serve the people of Scotland better.
Their first duty is to serve the people who are paying their salaries, so long as they stay within the law and the canons of ordinary decency.
So the political system in Chad is not one of sort of multi-party democracy where you go out and try to win the vote of the people and serve the people.
But here's a little news flash for all those reporters and commentators: I'm not going to Washington to seek their good opinion - I'm going to Washington to serve the people of this country.
In a special call to reporters and broadcasters working for the Government news media, President Karzai's message said that they "should serve the people of Afghanistan and should not, in any way, be abused by political and military factions".
"We fully appreciate that people will be awaiting our report with interest but feel we can better serve the people of Guernsey by taking a little longer to get the report right than by rushing to meet artificial deadlines".
The commission - which will not examine independence - has been tasked to review devolution and recommend changes to enable the Scottish Parliament to better serve the people and "continue to secure the position of Scotland in the United Kingdom".
In creating this balance, the framers of the Constitution hoped to form what they called "a more perfect union" a government that would not only serve the people but would also be a long-lived exemplar to other nations around the world.
And the most important thing I want to say, David, is that the Government has taken enormous steps, which I think the trade unions generally acknowledge, to invest far more to get quality public services, but if we're going to invest far more, as set out in Gordon Brown's comprehensive spending review, we have to reform our services so they better serve the people.