Like competing no-frills cards, Discover it strips away many routine service charges and guarantees live access to American-based customer support agents.
There's no guarantee you'll meet your soul mate, but paying more for your dating service at least guarantees you'll enjoy your time -- getting tipsy, or high.
With longer service intervals and guarantees of three years or more, there has anyway become less of a need for motorists to expect to find a franchised dealer just along the road to take care of any problems and to pay through the nose for the privilege.
But Levi insists the customer already has the choice of 18, 000 authorised Levi dealers throughout Europe which guarantees good service, quality and range.
It guarantees each patron consistent service quality even while munching on vegetable sticks each at 17cm by 1cm with an error margin of 1mm but can make the first few training weeks hell for new recruits.