In the first round, Nadal lost the first set against the hard-hitting Daniel Brands.
Set against successful replanting of low-lying bushes, the dead and brittle trees are strangely beautiful.
That may not be so unusual when set against three millennia of conflict in the Med.
Something about the trademark Rockstar insanity set against an HD world fell apart for me.
FORBES: Grand Theft Auto 5 Will be Bigger than 4, Red Dead and San Andreas Together
Halo is a grand space opera set against colossal artifacts of a techno-mystic past.
FORBES: Should You Buy Halo 4 or Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 this Holiday Season?
Among Florida Republicans, Mark Foley came out for it, while Lincoln Diaz-Balart was dead set against.
Modest certainly, but cheering nevertheless when set against the overall drop in Finnmark's population.
Now everything seems to depend on Governor King, who looks set against any repeal.
But this danger has to be set against the benefit of the extra efficiency.
Liberals demand one, but the insurance industry and conservatives are dead set against the notion.
When set against the backdrop of the highly advanced, Bladerunner feel of Tokyo, it was intoxicating.
FORBES: 'Can I Help You?' Three Ways The Japanese Do Customer Service Better
Set against that hope are worries that business lacks the clout, skills and credit to thrive.
But this is really Ava's story, set against the lonesome fecundity of the swampscape.
The AFL-CIO is dead set against any easing of immigration laws, since corporations grab for cheap labor.
The following is a list of 5 common lies spun by advisors who are dead-set against indexing.
Vince Carter held the previous Nets record of nine 3-pointers, set against Memphis on Dec. 11, 2006.
These immense costs to society must, of course, be set against the benefits gained from banning drugs.
It is set against a wall of gray, a color suggesting its intended setting within a church.
Humer may be dead set against a deal, but Novartis Chief Executive Daniel Vasella is a patient man.
Sergio Cofferati, head of Italy's biggest trade-union federation, is not dead set against part-time work and short-term contracts.
If they're simply dead-set against paying to bail out foreign depositors, there's not much that can change here.
The Orioles' only time at Camden Yards so far this season was a three-game set against the Twins.
With the Alhambra set against a backdrop of the Sierra Nevada, it's easy to see what she means.
But set against the difficulties and meannesses were heroism, kindness and a sisterly pleasure in other women's triumphs.
Elliott's heartbroken, introspective storytelling is set against delicately strummed guitar riffs as he meditates on love and loss.
But he could not take his tax losses with him, to set against his new vehicle's future profits.
The No. 9-seeded Stosur never lost serve but needed nearly an hour to take the first set against Mladenovic.
He did so to placate powerful interest groups in the medical industry who were dead set against these measures.
Murray has now played Montanes four times and is yet to concede a set against the world number 24.
But the managements of both societies say they are still set against demutualisation.