Seven officers were injured in Bristol, where violence broke out and bins were set alight.
Police believe Mrs Crown, a widow, was set alight in an attempt to destroy evidence.
The leaves on the trees have begun to smoulder, not yet set alight with full autumn colour.
Vehicles belonging to Mr Trodden's company JTS Civil Engineers have been set alight on four previous occasions.
An extra 1, 700 police officers were deployed in London, where shops were looted and buildings were set alight.
BBC: Further riots in London as violence spreads across England
Officers believe an object had been set alight under one of the vehicles.
And far away towards Knaphill I saw the flashes of trees and hedges and wooden buildings suddenly set alight.
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Speed cameras have regularly been set alight in the region, with at least 19 set on fire since 2004.
There was unrest in cities including Manchester, Salford, Liverpool, Nottingham and Birmingham, with shops being looted and set alight.
The airfield's four fire appliances made their way to the site (nearby fuel pits had also been set alight).
Martin Francis was at home in Tower Way on Saturday morning when police told him his car had been set alight.
Elsewhere in Leeds, a van was set alight during disorder in the Roundhay Road area of Harehills, late on Tuesday night.
Residents said the mosque set alight was close to the town's market, a sprawling bazaar important to local trade in northern Myanmar.
Bins and rubbish were pulled onto Leckey Road flyover and set alight.
The car in Avondale was set alight at 07:00 GMT on Saturday.
Fire chiefs say an extended dry spell has left vegetation around Cleator Moor, Maryport, and Whitehaven excessively dry and easy to set alight.
Some time between 18:00 GMT and 19:00 GMT on Thursday, an electrical substation on a windfarm on the Ballyconnell Road, was set alight.
Forensic expert Anne Ramage told the court that he may still have been alive when he was doused in petrol and set alight.
BBC: Kriss Donald's body was found in the east end of Glasgow
Cars were damaged and set alight during disturbances involving the youths in Chatham and Gillingham on Monday and in the early hours of Tuesday.
BBC: Kent teenagers held on 'social network riot incitement'
Thames Valley Police said an officer driving past the site saw the blaze and a number of gas canisters appeared to have been set alight.
"In two of the incidents the fires caught on, one of them set alight a nearby garage, the other caught on to a house, " he said.
Last weekend, five Sabritas distribution centers were set alight and about 40 delivery trucks were destroyed in the states of Michoacan and Guanajuato, the site of a turf war between cartels.
In Dhaka on Sunday, about 25, 000 people attended a mass funeral prayer meeting and at least 17 people were hurt when a passenger train running between Chittagong and Dhaka was set alight by protesters.
BBC: Protesters in Dhaka demand the resignation of the premier
Last month two people were killed and buildings set alight in Espinar, in the southern highlands, in a protest against Xstrata, an Anglo-Swiss company that owns a copper mine at Tintaya and is building another nearby.
Unfortunately, the dangers involved are almost surely smaller than allowing the present flash fire in the Balkans once again to set alight a larger, and far more costly conflict in the region -- and perhaps beyond.
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One of the series' most beautiful effects occurs during a funeral, when the bodies of tribe members killed in battle are set alight on elevated pyres and then rise slowly toward the sky in a shower of sparks.
WSJ: Neverland on SyFy; I Hate My Teenage Daughter on Fox: Television Reviews by Nancy deWolf Smith
But these are not the sorts of changes to set voters alight.