These forces set in motion a chain of unequal opportunities that last a lifetime.
His 1992 suit over silicone breast implants set in motion nearly a decade of litigation.
No QE that the Fed could set in motion would avert that kind of a plunge.
It was an epiphany, and it was set in motion by the act of prayer.
If it's positive, it could set in motion a legal process that lasts months.
This does not mean that the changes set in motion in December will dissipate.
The law, once set in motion, can be like a huge ship propelled by logic and precedent.
This set in motion a vicious cycle where value to customer diminished as the most savvy employees left.
Sadly, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and his colleagues are oblivious to the destructive forces they've set in motion.
The process set in motion with the LIHTC saw corporations provide capital in exchange for federal tax credits.
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The Eastleigh by-election was set in motion when Chris Huhne stepped down as an MP on 4 February.
BBC: Eastleigh by-election: Miliband restates 10p tax pledge
That could set in motion months of additional litigation that could wind up before the U.S. Supreme Court.
In April, Otellini set in motion the most extensive restructuring in two decades for Intel (See "Scorched Earth").
Toward the end of his Presidency, Harry Truman helped to set in motion plans for a national cultural center.
But in the end, the two men were trapped by the very reforms that they had set in motion.
Some say the expulsion of these industrious Moors set in motion the decline of Spain as a world power.
Twenty years ago, the wheels of rail privatisation were set in motion.
Their survey of the region set in motion the effort to protect what is now the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).
He said Seevakumaran's plan appeared to be set in motion as early as February, when weapons and ammunition purchases were made.
The last global slowdown, in 2001-02, coincided with a spending splurge that Mr Brown, then chancellor, had already set in motion.
Sometimes, at some points in history, you only need to move the needle a little bit to set in motion a transformation.
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The transfer caught the attention of the United States Treasury, which tracks such movements, and set in motion diplomatic inquiries in Vienna.
As multiple interpretations of the plan were set in motion, we were left with a lot of unintended outcomes -- and disappointing results.
And in the process, Fr. de Laulanie set in motion possibly one of the most important, and most controversial, advances in modern agriculture.
There is no way to stop a tsunami once set in motion, but there is certainly a way to avoid getting killed by one.
ECONOMIST: New ways of tracking these killer waves may help save lives
Or to the designs of an ancient plot set in motion exactly four hundred years ago in the library of the King of Bohemia.
Astronaut Tracy Caldwell Dyson set in motion equipment shutdown procedures and, with crewmate Douglas Wheelock, installed a jumper cable to keep all the rooms cool.
The possibility of a fiscal cliff was set in motion over the past two years as a way to force action on mounting government debt.